The texts about contemporary art on-line


Reports for the presentation "New countries-new identity-new art" on Biennial at Istanbul.

Larisa Dodkhudoeva, Muattara Bashirova
Situation Analysis in the Sphere of Fine Arts, Handicraft, Design, and Museum of Tajikistan eng rus

Muratbek Djoumaliev
Contemporary art of Kyrgyzstan rus eng

Nigora Akhmetova (Uzbekistan)
Contemporary art of Kyrgyzstan — problems and trends rus

Alexander Sinenky. Life of mocker. All his acts and deeds lead to “Švejk”

Our Prague correspondent Alexander Sinenky this time tells about no death, but about life of the creator unforgettable Švejk, writer, revolutionary and frequent visitors of the Prague pubs Jaroslav Hašek. See in Russian >>>

Asya Nurieva. Travel of teapots >>>

Article about an exhibition - competition The International Exhibition of Teapot, which has opened on April 1, 2003, in Bishkek.

Olga Nikushkina. Critical sketch about D-generation

Sketch on motives of an exhibition “D-Generation”. See in Russian >>>

Conférence “Objet souvenir du Kazakhstan” par Morgan Segui >>>

After long expectation we, at last, have received a message from Morgan Segui as interesting article, the Souvenir of Kazakhstan (November 15, 2002), exactly, as text of his speech at the conference devoted exhibition and competition. We have asked Morgan to write in detail about everything, about what he so poetically (French all the same) speak to us at the conference.

Morgan Segui - representative of High National school of industrial design (ENSCI) in Paris, France.

During his short stay in Kazakhstan he, on behalf of Embassy of France in Kazakhstan had time to organize “Holiday of music”, “Holiday of Reading”, taking place during 2002 in Almaty.

The Centre of Contemporary Art of Soros-Almaty (SCCA) twice invited Morgan to participate as the member of the International jury on a festival of a video art “Inventory” (May, 2002) and on an exhibition competition “Souvenir of Kazakhstan”.

Alexander Sinenky “Last days of mocker”

We offer to your attention article of well-known in Kazakhstan art-expert, and nowadays of publisher of the newspaper “Russian Prague” Alexander Sinenky. He has sent this text, permitting to publish it on ours site for this purpose – “to be remembered”. He very much misses on Almaty, and when E. Meldibekov and V. Ibraeva were in Prague at the exhibition “Politik-um”, Alexander has arranged for them excursion on untraditional tourist routes, by showing a museum of Alfons Mucha, the works of the famous Czech modern artist David Čzorny, building of a radio station “Freedom”, which is supported including personally Vazlav Havel, memorable place at historical museum of Prague, on which burned themselves two students in a mark of the protest against input Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia. Of course, it has not done without and visiting Švejk’s of pubs.

In article he tells about last days of Hašek. See in Russian >>>

Alla Girik. West and East: dreams about dialogue

About a conference “Art of second half of XX century” (organizers: the Centre of Contemporary Art Soros-Almaty, British Council at Embassy of Great Britain in Kazakhstan, and not only. See in Russian >>>

Valeria Ibraeva. Floors of modern art >>>

Report on passed the Centre of Contemporary Art — Geneve the exhibition “Trans-Forma”.

Zauresh Sydykhanova. “'Documenta' and others”

About a place of Biennial on a world art stage, and participation of the Kazakhstan artists in it. See in Russian >>>

Galim and Zauresh Madanov. Standard faces in separately taken microdistrict

Indefatigably working above the project “Mamyr dreams” the authors reflect on a phenomenon of the Soviet microdistricts. See in Russian >>>

Valeria Ibraeva. New technologies in art of Kazakhstan >>>

Given article is written by the order of Institute on Development of Cooperation and is published from the kind sanction of the legal owner.

Irina Yuferova. Fine Art of Kazakhstan. Shades and dynamics of the international relations >>>

Given article is written by the order of Institute on Development of Cooperation and is published from the kind sanction of the legal owner.

Impressions of Marat Sagitov about the festival “On the Spot”.

See in Russian >>>

Zitta Sultanbaeva. Asian Breakthrough >>>

Once again about an exhibition in Berlin.

Nigora Akhmedova. Problems of development of modern art of Uzbekistan

Art-expert from solar Uzbekistan describes an art situation in the country.See in Russian >>>

Zhanat Baimukhametov. Video-Logos of Almaty, or Way Upwards and Downwards is the same way >>>

In October, 2001, in Almaty’s Art-club was held the presentation of a videoclip “Media-Aitys - Top and bottom”. They are the known Kazakhstan artists actualists Akmullaev and Sultanbaeva.

Sergei Maslov. Star Nomads. Novel (beginning)

The man’s version of the novel, being surrealistic display of real motives and driving forces in the world of the contemporary art of Kazakhstan. See in Russian >>>

Sergei Maslov. Star Nomads. Novel (continuation)

The events develop, there are new persons... See in Russian >>>

Sergei Maslov. Star Nomads. Novel (continuation 2)

From the author:

“Dear reader of my novel!

In a part offered this time, a short fragment, the one-and-halfth chapter, submits the development of a linear plot. The basic events begin to move in hypermedia, which will accept more active participation as in real process of life, and without that too dramatized, and so in the novel. What to do? The sabres are snatched out. To turn back or to keep silent - means to die. Forward!”. See in Russian >>>

Zitta Sultanbaeva. Forgive, non-washed Russia! Or, one more bursted soap bubble >>>

Project “Hand-operated work”, on a call of which we were pulled with different force of gravitation in St-Petersburg, was held, and the share of disappointment with the even greater intensity has given to understand, that broken away Russian ice-floe for a long time already has floated in the side opposite from us, and “bridges of mutual understanding” be dispatched earlier than...”




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