"This creativity gives a certain sense to existence of the crippled people , not capable to work, not entered in the socium, or just lazy and worthless... Thus fine art has appeared a natural niche, refuge for these unfortunate people, whom, by mature reflection, it is possible to equate to the invalids. If to deprive them of this refuge, they will begin to revenge society, in which are not entered, they can start the senseless actions of terrorism or vandalism, or will join any public or religious movements (like satanism or Aum Senrike), and so will create many other troubles"

Nikolai Dombrovsky,
poet, Almaty 1999


Exhibition | Anthology


"May be, these so-called artists really see things exactly, and so believe that they represent them correctly. Then we should simply decide whether is their wrong vision casual failure or inherent illness. In the first case it is possible to pity these defective ones; the next case concerns to sphere of the competence of the ministry of home affairs, which should arrange to protect the following generations from these terrible visual defects. Other explanation consists that these «artists» do not believe in the reality that they represent, but make it, aspiring to bring the future into chaos . In such case they fall under the criminal law.»

Adolf Schiklgruber, artist. Munich, 1937