The competition for taking part in festival of video- and media-art


The aim of the festival is a presentation of media- and video-art’s works, which were founded in Kazakhstan and discussion of works and discussion of problems concerning using new technologies in the art.

Bringing the materials you can be one of participants.

Criterion of selection is correspondence of the genre, artistic meaning, technical grammar, not-commercial character of the work.

Participants of the festival are creative people, which work in such genre.

If you are from other cities your way and accommodation will be paid.

If you want to take part in the competition you must give you request, which must have:

  1. The work in VHS or CD-ROM with the name and surname of the author.
  2. You request in written form, which must have:
    • author’s CV (name, address, phones, e-mail, short information about yourself and your creation)
    • name of the work, the year of creating, timekeeping.

The best works will be awarded.

The deadline of your requests is the 3-d of April 2002.

The festival, probably, will be held in May 2002.

On the 14-th of March, at the House of World Culture in Berlin there will be an exhibition of contemporary art of Central Asia’s countries.

“No mad’s land”

The House of World CultureThe House of World Culture is a German institution, which demonstrates culture of Africa, Asia and Latin America to Europeans. Here always various exhibitions, concerts, plays, conferences of different countries and regions. From March till May here is festival of art of our region’s countries.

The concert program will be shown by Nurlanbek Nishanov from Kyrghyzstan, Juldus Usmanova from Uzbekistan, “Roksonaky” group from Kazakhstan. The ensemble of Abdulaiz Hashimov will represent uigurian music, and buharian Jewry’s music will be represented by three ensembles, They are Ary Babahanov from Buhara, Ilias Malaev from New-York and Anton Davidov from Israel.

The literature of Uchkun Nazarov and Shamshad Abdullaev (Uzbekistan), Sherboto Tokombaev (Kirgizstan), Didar Amantay (Kazakhstan)

The cinema of Central Asia is represented by “Beshkempir”, “Asan-Usen”, “Shilde” films.

Symposiums and discussions at conference-halls of The House of World Cultures will be dedicated to the next themes: “Geopolitics and Central Asia”, about Islam, about democracy, about woman’s problem in Central Asia, about journalism. Separate discussion, where directors A.Abdihalikov, G.Mirzoeva, D.Omerbaev take part, will be about cinema.

“No mad’s land” Exhibition is the greatest event of the festival. It will be going on not during weeks but three months.

The organisers are The House of World Culture and SCCA-Almaty.

Curators are Sabina Vogel and Valeria Ibraeva.

Coordinator is Margarita Dahlhaus.

Participants of the exhibition are

Uzbekistan: Vyacheslav Ahunov, Khakim Turdiev.

Kyrghyzstan: Ulan Dzhaparov, Zhibek Dzheksenbaev, Gulnara Kasmalieva & Muratbek Dzhumaliev, “Bronepoezd” group, Shaarbek Amankulov & Lizzy Mayrl (Austria).

Kazakhstan: Alexander Malgazhdarov, Galim Madanov, Victor & Elena Vorobyoves, Shy-Zia (Ziahan Shaygeldinov), Zitta Sultanbaeva & Ablikim Akmullaev, Gauhar Kiekbaeva, Moldakul Narimbetov, Smail Bayaliev, Sergey Maslov, Said Atabekov, Askhat Ahmedyarov, Rustam Khalfin, Yerbosin Meldibekov, Georgiy Tryakin-Buharov, “New media laboratory of SCCA-Almaty”, Vladimir Tjulkin & Taras Popov, Almagul Menlibaeva.

The authors of catalogue are Sabina Vogel (Germany), Nigora Ahmedova (Uzbekistan), Valeria Ibraeva, Dana Safarova & Larisa Pletnikova (Kazakhstan)

The exhibition will be continued till the 20-th of May 2002.

On the 20-th of December, at 16.30 in Kasteev State Museum of fine Arts was opened an "Erkin" exhibition of E.T.Mergenov's new works>>>

By the steps of soviet tables and cross-words at the opening of "Soviet Internet" Exhibition was held an intellectual game . There were
three first awards. They are videocassettes"The Complete Course of Soviet Language". Winners are

Yerbol Zhumagulov


James Kennedy

The pictures of winners of five second awards are on WWW.Board of fame

Our congratulations to participants, which have gotten consolatory presents ("Tan-Shan" beer).

On the 7.12.01 were a Presentation of this site and the "Soviet Internet" Exhibition of virtual objects of soviet and post-soviet period, which had been dedicated to the fourth SCCA's anniversary >>>

On the 29.11.2001 at Pavlodarian region museum of fine arts was great transmission of SCCA-Almaty "The feast of spirit" Exhibition's collection to the museum's exposition >>>










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design: Martgarita Dahlhaus & Roman Arefiev