After long waiting at least we got news from Morgan Segui. He sent us an interesting article, something like text of his speech at the conference devoted to the exhibition and “Souvenir of Kazakhstan” competition (Nov. 15, 2002). We asked Morgan to write in details about all that he so politically presented at the conference. >>>

Morgan Segui is a representative of High National School of industrial design (ENSCI) in Paris, France. During his short visit to Kazakhstan by the instructions of the French Embassy in Kazakhstan he organized “Holiday of music” and “Holiday of reading” that were being held during the 2002 year in Almaty. Soros Center of Contemporary Art - Almaty invited Morgan twice to participate as a member of International judges at a festival of video art “Inventory” (May 2002) and to the exhibition-competition “Souvenir of Kazakhstan”.

The guide 'Who is who in Contemporary Art of Kazakstan' has been published.

Dear friends!

We would like to announce the results of the competition “The souvenir of Kazakhstan”.

The members of the international jury were: Galim Madanov, Yerbossyn Meldibekov, Almaz Ordabayev (Kazakhstan), Irina Perfilyeva (Russia) and Morgan Segui (France).

The awards were distributed (allotted) as follows:

First Prize:

Saken Narynov/RJ Rekords Group

Second Prize:

Yuliya Levitskaya/Marat Sagitov

Third Prize:

Aizhan Bekkulova/Shamil Guliyev/Vladimir Danilov/Said Atabekov

Special Audience Prize:

Said Atabekov.

Most Promising Newcomer Prize:

Zeinelkhan Mukhamedzhanuly

The SCCA congratulates all participants and prize-winners!!!


Competition and Exhibition “The souvenir of Kazakhstan”

Date and place: Modern Art Gallery "Tribuna", November 13-15

Competition goal: to create a memorable symbol of the country

Competition objectives:

  1. Integration into world community via memorable symbolics
  2. To increase interest in history and cultur our country
  3. Market demand for artist
  4. Patriotic influence
  5. develop arts and crafts
  6. Possibility to esh industrial production



'Farewell To Rock'n'Roll'

Collages by Pavel Ovchinnikov.

SCCA, Almaty, October, 18, 2002

Exhibition “Trans-forma” - Contemporary Art from Central Asia: Tradition and Change

Öåíòð Ñîâðåìåííîãî èñêóññòâà - ÆåíåâàCenter for Contemporary Art – Geneva (Switzerland)

September 12, 2002



Swiss Fund NAWAO,
Center for Contemporary Art – Geneva,
Soros Center for Contemporary Art – Almaty


Daniela Gruninger (Geneva),
Valeriya Ibrayeva (Almaty)

Exposition Participants:


Zitta Sultanbayeva&Ablikim Akmullayev,
Said Atabekov,
Yerbossyn Meldibekov,
Vladimir Tyulkin&Taras Popov,
Moldakul Narymbetov,
Smail Bayaliyev,
Marat Sagitov,
Georgiy Tryakin-Bukharov,
Yelena Vorobyova&Viktor Vorobyov,
Vladimir Danilov,
Alexander Malgazhdarov,
Gaukhar Kiyekbayeva&Roman Arefyev.


Gulnara Kasmaliyeva&Muratbek Dzhumaliyev,
Ulan Dzhaparov,
Shaarbek Amankulov,
Shailobek Dzheksenbayev.


Vyacheslav Akhunov,
Khakim Tyrdyev,
Dzhemal Usmanov,
Shukhrat Babadzhanov

Exhibition slide-show >>>

An invitation on the exhibition 'Trans-Forma'


Actually, the English verb transform means to change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone. Prefix ‘Trans’ not only in English, but also in all other translatable languages means ‘over', ‘through’. If to consider Trans as a word it means the same, that is trance, or ecstasy.

We prefer to construe the name of an exhibition implying the sense “Behind the form”. After declaration made in Berlin that we are the earth of normal people and, hence, exist, we wanted to understand how we exist. That is what is there behind the external form: we use computers, credit cards and mobile phones like in Europe, we drink tea and koumiss, we eat beshbarmak and kurt sitting in yurts like they do in all Asia. And we want to know more: we want to know who does really lay in Said Atabekov’s bessike, who will finally saddle “Monument to the hero” or who is being fought in Yerbossyn Meldibekov’s "Pastane". And we want to understand even more, how do we comprehend statements that the countries of the Central Asia are the independent democratic states and how have they transformed during period of this most independent democracy.

That is, this exhibition is an exhibition dedicated to human dignity. To spite the naive Swiss who expressed their first impression of us in a phrase “You do not live, you just try to survive”, our artists could prove that we were not trying to survive, we lived. And, whenever it is possible, we try to observe the human rights at least by means of analysing the forms of the reality surrounding us.

Gulnara Kasmaliyeva’s work is devoted to globalisation problem and forced-objective break with connecting tradition, installation by Zitta Sultanbayeva and Ablikim Akmullayev “Simply in a cage” is devoted to stereotype and closeness of our thinking, Said Atabekov’s "The Seasons of the year" is devoted to military intensity in region; Yerbossyn Meldibekov reasons the problem of authority in installation “The Oriental hospitality” and Georgiy Tryakin-Bukharov discusses general “comfort” of our existence in his laconic work "The House", while Vladimir Danilov’s complicated multimedia searches of an image of “statistically average Kazakh” are devoted to demographic theme.

It is possible to repeat constantly in ecstasy that we are the most democratic. It is possible to repeat three hundred times the word ‘honey’ but it won’t add us more sweetness.

The exhibition turns out to be bitter, hard both in its form and content. But democracy is not the purpose but process. The exhibition “Trans forma” is a part of this process that leads to transformations.

For Swiss it is easy to say (they have four state languages and parliamentary republic since 1290), than for us to do. But what does make us worse than Swiss? We have only to hold on another 710 years, and then we shall do other exhibitions. Merry ones.

Seminar “Art in the Second Half of the XX Century” - An Examination of Artistic Trends and Ideas Over the Past Half Century

Date and place: Almaty, Kasteyev Museum of Art
August 27-31

Organaziers and Co-Funders:

The British Council, Almaty

Soros Center for Contemporary Art – Almaty

Special Guest Speaker:

Robert Garnett (Courtauldt Gallery, London, UK)

Other Guest Speakers:

Yelizavetta Malinovskaya
Assel Umirshina
Zitta Sultanbayeva
Yuliya Sorokina
Irina Yuferova
Zauresh Sydykhanova
Almaz Ordabayev
Gulnar Kasmaliyeva&Muratbek Dzhumaliyev
Natalya Kim
Kamilla Li

Participants: Artists, Gallery Managers, Curators, Fine Art Specialist


  • Changing relations between art and pop culture. Theory and practice
  • Arts NGO's in the 90's
  • The Government's Role in Art in the 90's
  • The Curator in Thematic Shows
  • The Curator: To Be or Not To Be?
  • Globalization and Cultural Differences
  • Kazakhstani Artists On the International Stage
  • Western Art and Pop Culture in the late XXth century
  • Art, Fashion, Design, Pop Music, Everyday Life
  • ‘High’ and ‘Low’ Art in Central Asia
  • Contemporary Art in Kyrghyzstan









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Projects The catalog of the festival "VideoIdentity" D-Generation Project | Texts about contemporary art | The directory "Contemporary art of Kazakhstan" | Workshop 'Two in One' | 'Art of the second half of the XX century' | 'Trans-Forma'  | Grant competition  | 'Chamber exhibition'  'The feast of spirit'  | 'Kazakhstan art life'  | 'Communications. Expiriences of interaction' | 'Erkin'
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design: Martgarita Dahlhaus & Roman Arefiev