20.12.04 Dear visitors of the site,

Soros Center for Contemporary Art – Almaty cordially invite you to visit the «Ñ14-5Â18/7Ì» Exhibition dedicated to the presentation «Selected works of “VideoIdentity: Sacred Places of Central Asia” Festival Program» DVD and 7th anniversary of SCCA.

We are waiting for you on Tuesday at 21 of December since 18:30. Address: 171, Tulebaev str. (the corner Shevchenko str.) in SCCA Elite house

Invitation on the  exhibition «Ñ14-5Â18/7Ì»

01.12.04  VIDEOIDENTITY of Central Asia

Welcome Screen of the FestivalThe Festival „VIDEOIDENTITY: Sacred Places of Central Asia“, organized by Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty, hold on 20–21 October, 2004, in the German Dramatic Theater in Almaty, Kazakhstan. And it was a closing stage of major VIDEOIDENTITY project, dedicated to developing of new for many Central Asia countries genre — videoart. Project started in the spring of 2004: artists from Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan artists gathered in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on theoretical seminar, dedicated to what is sacred place, and what is the meaning of sacral. Next stage of VIDEOIDENTITY was training „What is videoart?“ where participants, instructed by two lectors from Russia, learned about this form of art, and produced their first own works. The grant contest became third part of VIDEOIDENTITY. Authors of twenty projects won money and equipment for realization of own vision of sacral.

And the final part of VIDEOIDENTITY project — festival — was intended to demonstrate the result of three previous stages as well as to show situation with development of videoart in the region. 38 movies of 33 authors have been preselected for festival programme. International Jury, supported by the prize fund of $2500, were composed of competent experts: Thomas McEvilley (USA), art critic and author of 48 books on arts; Charles Esche (Netherlands), Direcor of VanAbbeMuseum and curator of forthcoming 9 th Istanbul Biennale; Saken Narynov (Kazakhstan), artist; Oleg Karpov (Uzbekistan), Director of the Tashkent Cinema Museum; Parviz Kurbanov (Tajikistan), film director; and Dalmira Tylepbergenova (Kyrgyzstan), film director.

During the festival many attention were given to discussions. Important were not only watching of films, but also conversation, exchange of experience, training and creative development. Such actions help to come into contacts, and create an atmosphere of cultural cooperation. Videoart is one of most democratic and perspective forms of contemporary art. Camera and personal computer give to artist many opportunities for self-expression. It's a language of esthetic, which is capable to express a certain idea and developes figurative vision. During the discussion it was compared with haiku — laconic and expressive. May be a few movies of festival satisfied the requirements, but it was first experience. Many artists just started working with videoart. That's why the festival can be considered as action, which evolves and encourages new form of art.

First prize won „Noah's Ark“ (grant work) the film of Kazakhstan artist Said Atabekov. It's created in the manner of psychedelically esthetic. Captivates slowed dynamic of motions. The film was shot in Southern Kazakhstan, which is filled with mythology. A local legend tells that the Noah's Ark had pulled up in the Kazgurt Mountains. The Silk Way has been crossing this place. The 20 th century contributed its mite to mythologisation of the region. The pipes of an oil refinery, and tyre, lead, and phosphorous plants, which pollute atmosphere, are new minarets of the industrialisation. The city has its own Egyptian pyramids; however, they are black because of the waste and slags of the lead plant. Local Noah's descendants live in poisoned environment while connecting the ancient and modern times and symbolising the life after the Flood. The idea of Said is to build new Ark and to save life. Second prize passed to „Stones“ (grant work) by Vladimir Khan (Kazakhstan). Author's purpose was to show sacral spirit of Altaian Mountains which keep memory of ancient Buddhist Temple. It's not only beautiful pictures of nature. Every moment of film is created for meditation. Third prize were divided between three movies: „Steppenbaroque“ by Almagul Menlibaeva (Kazakhstan), „The Mourning“ by Alexander Ugai (Kazakhstan) and Roman Maskalev (Kyrgyzstan), and „Sham“ by Gulnara Kasmalieva and Muratbek Dzhumaliev (Kyrgyzstan). Uzbekistan artist Elena Kambina got encouraging prize for „A Territory of Untouchables“.

Alexander Ugai received invitation to 9 th Istanbul Biennale from Charles Esche, who were impressed by „The Mourning“, this film is filled by idea of aestheticism of death. Invitation got either Said Atabekov. Thomas McEvilley prepared an article about the festival and Central Asian videoart for Art In America magazine.

In a whole, the festival gathered elements of traditional culture and contemporary art: mythological idea of sacral was expressed by videoart methods.

Links: A catalog of the festival >>>

01.12.04  Dear friends,

Enriko Mascelloni We glad to inform you that „Caravan Cafe“ book by Enrico Mascelloni, dedicated to contemporary art and geopolitics of Central Asia, is published.

The book is composed of following chapters:


1. What is Central Asia?
2. Art and Politics?
3. Altering the meaning of images: individuality under siege traditions as avant — garde.
4. The nightmare of the modern.
5. Carefully controlled languages
6. The origin of abstraction

1. The nomadic life as aesthetic act.
2. Mongolia.
3. Ex Sovietic Central Asia
4. Afghanistan
5. Pakistan
6. Xing-Xiang.

The photo from the cover of book was made by author on 28 April, 2002, on Al-Fardos Square in Baghdad, Iraq, during the Saddam Hussein monument's opening ceremony.

Book is illustrated with reproductions of works of artists: Erbossyn Meldibekov, Alimjan Gorobaev, Almagul Menlibaeva, Yerkin Mergenof, Said Atabekov, Sh. Amankulov, Tazeen Quayyum, E. Bolzhirov, Galsandorj Erdenebileg, Dugarsham Zerenmadmid, Moldakul Narimbetov, S. Bayaliev, Ulan Djaparov, Shalobek Djecksenbayev, Ernst Abdrazakov, Gulnara Kasmalieva and Muratbek Djumaliev, Vyacheslav Akhunov, Gennadiy Ratushenko, Naiza Khan, Reeta Saeed, Aniwar.

You can read „Caravan Cafe“ in library of SCCA-Almaty.

27.10.04 Dear friends,

Prizes of the festival "VideoIdentity" are:

First prize — «Noah's Ark» by Said Atabekov (Kazakhstan)

Second prize — «Stones» by Vladimir Khan (Kazakhstan)

Three third prizes:

«Steppenbaroque» by Almagul Menlibayeva (Kazakhstan)

«The Mourning» by Alexander Ugai (Kazakhstan) and Roman Maskalev (Kyrgyzstan)

«Sham» by Gulnara Kasmalieva & Muratbek Dzhumaliev (Kyrgyzstan)

Encouragement prize

«A Territory Of the Untouchables» by Elena Kambina (Uzbekistan)

12.10.04 Antypartyß gang vs. Sample Brothers invite to the party "De-identification" which will be held at 20:00, October, 20, 2004 at Republican German Theatre during the festival "VideoIdentity".

October, 11, 2004 The catalogue of "VideoIdentity" Festival >>>


October, 4, 2004

Videoidentity: The sacred Places of Central Asia

October 20-21, from 14.00 till 23.00 German Theatre, Almaty, 64D Satpaeva str.

InvitationParticipants: Akmal Khasanov, Suraie Tuichieva, Alisher Primkulov, Dzhamshed Kholikov, Mukharam Komilova (Tajikistan), Sergei Tychina, Vyacheslav Useinov, Aleksander Nikolaev, Elena Kambina, Vyacheslav Akhunov, Zaur Mansurov (Uzbekistan), Ulan Dzhaparov, Gamal Bokonbaev, Maxim Boronilov, Roman Maskalev, Adis Seitaliev, Ivan Morozov, Gulnara kasmalieva, Muratbek Dzumaliev, Olga Makeeva (Kyrgyzstan), Almagul Menlibaeva, Alla Girik, Oksana Shatalova, Said Atabekov, Valery Kaliev, Rafael Slekenov, Timur Isaliev, Aleksander Ugai, Vladimir Khan, Konstantin Timoshenko, Bakhytzhan Ashirbaev, Marat Sagitov, Maxim&Valery Zadarnovsky, Akhmet Akhat (Kazakhstan)

Festaval organiser: Soros center for Contemporary Art-Almaty

Financial support: The Christensen Fund, USA Turkmenistan delegation: Open Society Institute-Budapest

Sponsors: "Salvador" reustarant, trade marks: Heineken, Amstel, Semirechie Special thanks: Goethe Institute-Almaty


16.08.04 From 10 till 12 June in Berlin (Germany) the Post-Communist Condition Conference gone off. Famous philosophers Boris Groys (Germany) and Slavoj Zizek (Slovenia), Peter Weibel, the Director of Art and Media Center in Karlsruhe (Germany), curator Igor Zabel (Slovenia), curator and art critic Branislav Dimitrjievic from Serbia, French philosopher Chantal Mouffe, writer Viktor Jerofejew, Russian curator and art critic Ekaterina Degot, philosopher Mikhail Ryklin, and Viktor Misiano, the Editor of Art Magazine (Russia), took part in the event.

Valeria Ibraeva, the Director of Soros Center for Contemporary Art – Almaty (SCCA), gave a report on the subject of Kazakh Art as a Political Project.

Boris Groys is to publish three-volume edition of research works, made by philosophers and art historians during six months preceding the Conference.

Ëàðèñà Ïëåòíèêîâà è Ãóëüäàíà Ñàôàðîâà11.08.04 Larisa Pletnikova and Guldana Safarova, curators of the Desht-i-Art Center for Contemporary Culture in Karaganda for the first time presented Kazakhstan on Open Museu Forum EXPLORING OF THE FUTURE. Their projects The Destiny Trajectory and Minus Six, dedicated to Karaganda history and to Karlag, won special diploma and got invitation to take part in Best From The Best In Heritage International Festival which will be held in Dubrovnik city in September, 2005.

The Destiny Trajectory and Minus Six were demonstrated in Almaty and in Karaganda in 2001-2002. These are interactive installations where documentary materials (photos, memoirs, letters) are placed on symbolical city walls. Visitors could take part in different actions, for example they filled cards by names of their repressed relatives.

3-rd Open Museum Forum organized by Open Museum Association gone in with Russian Museum Association art-managers, hold on from 19 till 23 July in Yasnaia Polyana museum-house. It's objective were to find new kinds of cultural practices and new spaces for cultural opening up.

"Desht-y-Art" Center home page:


antyposterJune 18, 2004, at SCCA, an audio-visual action named "Antiparty" was made.

There are some antyparty pictures and texts (sorry, in Russian) in the on-line magazin Inexact.








05.04.04 From March, 15 till 20 at Dushanbe city (Tajikistan) the first within "VideoIdentity" seminar "Sacral places of Central Asia" (see the shedule and the participants list >>>) was held. Memories (in English) by participant Aigerim Tazhi is here>>>.



Conferencia de la curadora Valeria Ibraeva
(Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazajstan)

“El arte contemporaneo de Asia Central como estrategia politica”

17 horas.

Artistas invitados:

Roman Arefiev, Said Atabekov, Smail Bayaliev, Ulan Dzhaparov, Muratbek Dzhumaliev, Gulnara Kasmalieva, Rustam Khalfin, Gaukhar Kiekbaeva, Natalya Kim, Julia Levitskaya, Sergei Maslov, Erbosyn Meldibekov, Almagul Menlibayeva, Konstantin Timoshenko, Alexander Bakanov, Kamilla Kaztaeva y Zitabl (Zitta Sultanbaeva y Ablikim Akmullaev)

Para mas informacion sobre el arte contemporaneo de Asia Central, consultar:

Francisco Pimentel num. 3
Col. San Rafael, Mexico, D.F, Tels. 55 46 67 03 y 55 35 62 05
e-mail: [email protected]

CANAIA abre de martes a sabado de 11 de la manana a 6 de la tarde.

contactos: Magali Arriola, Olivier Debroise, Patricia Sloane, Claudia Alvarez o Santiago Perez Garci.

On March, 14, 2004, in Bockenheimer Depot www.dastat.de (Frankfurt, Germany) will take place presentation "Video-art from Kazakhstan".

Curator: Violetta Kirillova

Organizers: Bockenheimer Depot & SCCA

Artists: Shai-Zia, Erbossyn Meldibekov, Said Atabekov, Zitta Sultanbaeva & Ablikim Akmullaev, Almagul Menlibaeva, Konstantin Timoshenko & Kairat Ospanov.

Opening of the exhibition "From red star to blue dome" will be held at March, 26, 2004 in IFA Gallery (Berlin, Germany) >>>

Curator: Barbara Barsch

Artists: Said Atabekov, Marina Lyubaskina, Zitta Sultanbaeva & Ablikim Akmullaev, Galim & Zauresh Madanov, Almagul Menlibaeva, Elena & Viktor Vorobyev.


2.02.04. Zitta Sultanbaeva's notes about the festival "Paris-Berlin", which passed in Berlin from November, 11 till November, 22, 2003 (in Russian) are on our site >>>

Soros Center for Contemporary Art –Almaty (SCCA-Almaty) presents VIDEOIDENTITY - new project, which will be developed during 2004.

Almagul Menlibaeva "Apa"VIDEOIDENTITYs objective is opportunity to tell by contemporary language and high technologies about unique diversity of religions and beliefs which co‑exist peacefully on the territory of Central Asia. National and religious intolerance often cause many conflicts that lead to outbreaks of hostilities and acts or terrorism. Militant nationalism, atheism and religiousness have caused irreplaceable culture losses; suffice it to mention those Orthodox churches and Muslim mosques broken down during the Soviet times in the former USSR and the Buddha statue districted in Afghanistan not long ago.

Central Asia is one of the unique regions in the world where co-exist peacefully a number of confessions – that is a result of the region’s complicated history, multinational population, interweaving of many cultures and variety of landscapes. Thus on the territory of Central Asia there exists a firm historical memory on pantheistic faith, fire-worshipers, Mithraism, Nestorians and Tengriasm. Also co-exist in harmony contemporary religions – Buddhism, Islam (including Sophism), Orthodoxy and Catholicism, as well as numerous modernized confessional unions.

Any belief finds its material incarnation upon foundation of some sanctuaries, that normally closely linked with concrete landscape peculiarities: thus sacred mountain Suleiman by Osh or mountain Manas by Talas, Kyrgyzstan lie on the plain in the middle of valleys; as a rule mound chains are North oriented (Dzhizak step mounds, North Uzbekistan), the Mithra sanctuaries were located on the plain rounded by the rocks (the Tamgala gorge by Almaty, Southern Kazakhstan), places for worshiping totem animals were situated in the grottos (Gorno-Badakhshansky Oblast grottoes, Tajikistan) as well as Uigur Buddhist temples (the thousand Buddhas Cave of the Tuyuk Valley, Zinzyan-Uigur autonomous region, China), orthodox churches were always tended to being build on the rising ground having altar aimed at East, and the mosques top was accordingly aimed at Kaaba.

Central Asia has a special kind of mentality according to which all sacred and memorial places are equally respected both ancient and contemporary ones. Another mental peculiarity is all these traditions are still alive and work for instance a traveler of any nationality and confession never fails to put on a tie on the sacred tree which normally stands by the road. As a rule, there are lots of legends about these architectural and landscape memorial places, many mythological and historical names are connected with them; sacral cave art occurring at different times is another great interest.

Unfortunately, all over the world, they do not know much about this unique experience of co-existing of numerous beliefs not to mention about the existence of these landscape and architectural memorial places that are an important part of the Central Asia Culture.

Shooting of series of video-projects about these places is especially important during the toughening of religious conflicts and stirring up of terrorist activities.

VIDEOIDENTITY consists of several stages:

  • theoretical seminar (Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan),
  • workshop (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
  • grant contest (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
  • video-art festival (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan).

Separate competitions will be declared for each stage.

Financing of the project is implemented by The Christensen Fund, which was based in 1957 in San Francisco to support development of contemporary art and some fields of science.

The first stage

Theoretical seminar SACRED PLACES OF CENTRAL ASIA is dedicated to historical, cultural, geographical and anthropological values of architectural and landscape cult localities.

1.Where and When: approximately from 15 till 20 of March, 2004, in Dushanbe, Tadjikistan.

2. Terms of Participation: Only residents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzia, Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan may take part in the contest. Participants are to be selected in competition based on applications submitted by people interested in the problem (artists, craftsmen, arts historians, specialist in folklore, geographers, historians and journalists).

2.        Candidates have to submitt:

  • letter-motivation “Why do i want to participate in the seminar?” to explain reasons of there interest to video-art
  • personal information: first and last name, address, phone number and e-mail. For Uzbekistan residents: passport data and passport xerocopy.
  • creative biography (CV)

4. Candidates, who passed competition, are allowed the paid travelling expenses, hotel accomodation, three meals a day and visa support.

5. Please, send your applications by post, fax or e-mail not later FEBRUARY 27, 2004 (18.00)

Our address:

171, Tulebaev street, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 480021

Fax: (3272) 67–07–65

Phone.: (3272) 67–07–64

e-mail: [email protected]

If you have any questions please apply for information to Aliya Sharipbayeva.

15.01.2004 Marry Christmas And Happy New Year!

On-line version of the textbook about contemporary Kazakhstan culture "Kunstkamera" >>> is published on the site. Sorry, it's in Russian:-(

ps The news of 2003 are in Archive 2003












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SCCA The description of activity  | The Address
Projects The catalog of the festival "VideoIdentity" D-Generation Project | Texts about contemporary art | The directory "Contemporary art of Kazakhstan" | Workshop 'Two in One' | 'Art of the second half of the XX century' | 'Trans-Forma'  | Grant competition  | 'Chamber exhibition'  'The feast of spirit'  | 'Kazakhstan art life'  | 'Communications. Expiriences of interaction' | 'Erkin'
Contacts By our e-mail Web-master

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design: Martgarita Dahlhaus & Roman Arefiev