“Chamber exhibition”


Organiser is SCCA-Almaty and Museum of fine arts “Umai” named after Zh. Shardenov.
Date: from the 29-th of August till the 29-th of September 2001 on Nauryzbai-batyr St.., 108 tel.: 62-92-16.
Press conference will be on the 29-th of August at 16.00 - 17.00
Opening day is the 29-th of August 2001 at 18.00-20.00


“Man is a child of his epoch. If he is bad, only his contemporaries are guilty in this."
Abai. Edifying words. The thirty seventh word.

 G.Tryakin-Bukharov "Nest"

In 2000 Fund Soros - Kazakhstan began to work at the “Penitentiary reform” project, where all programs of the Fund: legal, medical, cultural and artistic took part. “Chamber exhibition” is a final part of SCCA-Almaty’s “The other worlds” project. The aim of the project is to help under-aged prisoners in orienteering, to give them a good fine art education, to attract society’s attention at the penitentiary system and to involve professional artists into the solving of social problems.

Alexander Osipov  on the background of prisoners worksFrom May, 2000 teachers of The Artistic college: Alexander Osipov, painter and sculptor Tleu Myrzageldin, who have a rich experience at working with teenagers, gave lessons on bases of composition and picture. As a result of these lessons on the colony's territory, there was established the mosaic, which was created by prisoners, pictures, which they had made during the lessons. Some of these pictures will be shown at the exhibition at the Museum of fine arts “Umai”.

In December, 2000 Eric Vazolair, who is interested in prisoners’ fates and images visited Almaty by the invitation of French Embassy. He had been working at this theme in Germany, Ukraine and Russia for a long time.

During last four years SCCA-Almaty was giving exhibitions on human's rights: “Human's rights: Terra incognita ” (December, 1997); “Human's rights: the second breath ” (April, 1998); “Human's rights are the same even in Africa” (April, 1999).

The idea of the "Chamber exhibition” is a consideration about human's rights and about unfreedom: social, political, psychology. It is not casual that exhibition is going to open at former building of KGB, at the present time it is a Museum of fine arts “Umai”.

The exposition takes place in spacious rooms, where guilty and innocent, talkative and silent citizens were interrogated.

By the first idea was only teenager's pictures had to take part in the exhibition, but working with them our organiser remembered about failed fates of prisoners in political camps, about prisons of imperial security and period of totalitarism. That is why the first part of the exhibition is dedication to the memory of the world-known people, who became prisoners and victims just because of their talent, extraordinarity and intellect.

In the separate “chamber” there were arranged documents, certificates about rehabilitation, photos of members of VKPB, afterwards they became subjects of punitive measures and there were also arranged the materials, which were represented on the International bureau on human's rights in Kazakhstan. The letters of prisoners and their relatives about the permission to pass the list of all necessary things: medicines, tea, tobacco, church candles, icon of God's Mother, paper for writing etc.

The second part of the exhibition is dedicated directly to the prisoners creation. In the first instance there are pictures of teenagers from the colony for under-aged criminals, professional and not professional artists, who are in prison in different time.

"Self portrait" of the famous graphic artist Antoshchenko-Olenev from Kazakhstan deserves an especial attention. The portraits of the prisoners of political camps for the board of fame, which was created by artist P. Sokurenko (1912-1998). Graphic landscapes of Usmankhodzhaev - the first secretary of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, who was a architect by the education, became a surprise for the organiser of the exhibition. In the same part of the exhibition there were arranged prisoner's handmade articles: chess, notebooks, framework for photos, bags.

And the third part of the exhibition “Presumption of guilty” consists of the considerations of contemporary artists about totalitarism, about freedom and unfreedom, about crime and punishment.


Curator of the exhibition is Sydykhanova Zauresh.

Shuraev's works

Prisoners works

Documentary section

Perfomans by Zitta Sultanbaeva & Ablikim Akmullaev





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