16.09.03 Here you can find reports for the presentation "New countries-new identity-new art" on the Biennial at Istanbul. Larisa Dodkhudoeva, Muattara Bashirova (Tajikistan), Muratbek Djoumaliev (Kyrgyzstan), Nigora Akhmetova (Uzbekistan) >>>

11.09.03 Some "Texts on Contemporary Art " now are available in English >>>

11.09.03 In the English version of the Site are added texts and photos of the project " D-Generation" >>>

Central Asian landing directs to Tsargrad

Ìîñò ìåæäó Åâðîïîé è ÀçèåéCentral Asian delegation is invited for participation in 8-th Istanbul Biennial. The theme of this year formulated by curator of the exhibition of this year, employee ÌÎÌÀ (New York) Dan Cameron  " Poetic validity ". It is necessary to give thank to curator  He could not look at the works of the artists Central Asia, because all the cassettes transferred within year in USA came back with a mark " the addressee is not found ". What uncivilized post and customs workers in US! They cannot find a Museum of modern art in New York, which locates at the centre of Manhattan  It's all too much!

Nevertheless, poetic validity has triumphed. At September 16 in Istanbul sends a delegation: Tuatara Ashier and Makhvash Kadyrova from Tajikistan, Ulan Dzhaparov and Muratbek Dzhumaliev from Kyrgyzstan, Nigora Ahmetova and Alexander Nikolaev from Uzbekistan,
Dana Safarova, Erbosyn Meldibekov and Valeria Ibraeva from Kazakhstan. At September 22 in of University of Mimara Sinan will be held the presentation of Contemporary Art of Central Asia under the name " New identity  New art " .Moderator of discussion  good friend of our contemporary art Doctor Sabina Fogel.

Seminar "Machines and Artists"

August 23 22.00: club KIMEP, entrance: 200 t.

VJ-Party "Video-Manipulation" (see pictures >>>)

VJ Teterin (Perm), SpaceShipBoom & Ursus

August 24 18.30: SCCA, entrance: free

«The Elected videos art films from the program of festival "Machinista 2003"»

Films by Stewart Pound (London) - 30 min.

"The Unidentified Robot" by Aleksei Romanov (Perm) - 10 min.

"Video-Mix by VJ Vitascope" (USA)

Film "Resistance" of video-group "Nomig" (USA) - 20 min.

VJ-non-stop of festival "Machinista" - 60 min.

August 25 18.30: SCCA, entrance: free

Presentation "Machines instead of the artists: Perm media-art festival "Machinista 2003"

The story about a festival and its stages, technologies of preparation and other secrets. Representation of the winners of the festival: Andrjus Ventzlova, Interface, IXI. Demonstrations of film "1234" by Ventzlova (St.-Petersburg) and set of the art-programs IXI Software (London). Presentation of the project "Cyber-Pushkin" (author – Sergei Teterin). 

August, 26-27 SCCA

VJ-workshop (see pictures >>>)

A workshop on club & home vj-ing.

Ñ. Íàðûíîâ "Ãëîáàëèçàöèÿ"23.04.03. In Almaty on crossing of a streets Baitursynova and Satpaeva was established sculpture by Saken Narynov "Globalization">>>, executed in frameworks of the project of SCCA "Grant competition">>> .

22.04.03. On-line version >>> of "Guide to Contemporary Art of Kazakhstan"

The British Council at Embassy of Great Britain of Republic of Kazakhstan and SCCA have lead Seminar "Exhibition as the form".

The purpose of a seminar: training to the basic and newest methods and principles expositions. Work of curator as expositioner.

Date and place of realization: the seminar was from 20-22 of May at the SCCA

Project “Art and society”


Soros Center for Contemporary Art - Almaty
Artist Robert Blasko (Slovakia)

Place and Date: April, 21 till May, 12, Soros Center for Contemporary Art Almaty.

The project has:

1. Photo workshop

2. "Art and changes in society. Art and prostitution" — A Seminar for Theoretical and Practical Persons of Contemporary Art

3. Video workshop devoted to social problems

4. Presentation of "Truc Spherique" organization (Slovakia)

Press-release for Presentation of the project «Art as the tool of change of a society»

 The organizers: Robert Blasko (Slovakia), SCCA

 At support of the program "Looking inside" of Institute "Open Society – Budapest"

 The presentation was held on May 16 at 18.30 in SCCA to the address: Almaty, Tulebaev street, 171

 The artist and sociologist Robert Blasko has arrived in Almaty month back. For it time he has conducted with the young artists and theorists of Kazakhstan three master-classes - workshop of video art, photo art and general theoretic-practical seminar.

 So, created as a result of studies with Robert film by ZITABL "Dasha" (about tells about her hospital nurse’s everyday lives and holidays, about heavy work of Dasha, nevertheless kept affability and kindness to the people. Film by K. Timoshenko and Yu. Levitskaya "Adventures of Priscilla, daughter of steppes" is devoted to the untolerant attitude to minority, in this case sexual. It also tells about gay-culture and about ours honorable militias, for which the rights of the man very much frequently are just an empty sound.

Not everything that they have shown is a masterpiece. But that the art is not only luxury, and also way of the art analysis and change of our society for best - we hope they have understood.

The schedule of the seminar "World systems of contemporary art representation" which was held in Bishkek, February 4-6, 2003. >>>












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