The schedule of “World systems of contemporary art representation” seminar

Opening ceremony


Lecturer V.Ibraeva


Participants of the seminar


Closing ceremony

February 4.

10.00-11.20 Global museum boom. At least art belongs to people.
a) ... in reach country. Pompidou Center, Stejdelik museum, MoMA, Guggenheim (New-York – Bilbao – Berlin – Hermitage), Kiazma.
b) ... in poor country. Museum of Ludwig (Vienna – Budapest – Russian museum, St. Petersburg), Ljubljana, A.Erofeyev’s collection.
11.20-11.30 Time-out
11.30-13.00 World exhibition boom. Art draws together peoples. Manifesta -Biennial for young and poor. History, conception, analysis.
13.00-14.00 Time-out
14.00-15.50 Biennial in Istanbul. History, conception, analysis.
15.50-16.00 Time-out
16.15-18.00 Biennial in Istanbul. Continuation.

February 5.

10.00-11.20 Prize of Turner. History, conception, analysis.
11.20-11.30 Time-out
11.45-13.0 Biennial: old and reach. San Paulo, Venice, Lion, Lublyana biennial of graphics, Kvanchzhy, Shanghai, Berlin Art Forum. Young and poor: Johannesburg, Valencia, Cetin, Moscow Art Forum.
13.00-14.00 Time-out
14.00-15.50 “Documenta-11”. History, conception, analysis.
15.50-16.0 Time-out
16.00-18.0 Continuation of “Documenta-11”

February 6.

10.00-11.20 Contemporary Art of Central Asia. Position of stable underground.
11.20-11.30 Time-out
11.30-13.00 Continuation.
13.00-14.00 Time-out
14.00-15.50 Media art of Kazakhstan.
15.50-16.00 Time-out
16.00-18.00 Video art of Kazakhstan













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