Gifts to museums

On the 29-th of November, 2001 at 6.00. P.m. In Pavlodarian region museum of fine arts there was a triumphal transmission of SCCA-Almaty "The feast of spirit" exhibition's collection. Pavlodarian museum has already been twice a winner of the SCCA-Almaty's competition "Presents to museums".
in 1999 Pavlodarian museum got a great present from SCCA as works of famous kazakhstanian artists Elena and Victor Vorobyevs "Mutated object of love".

At this time SCCA with Goethe Institute brought artists' books-objects, which were very interesting to almatinians in May, 2001 on the happening "Pir Dukha".

After great "eating books" SCCA made up its mind to share their joy with museums of Kazakhstan. That is why there was announced a competition between museums. In this competition took part Eastern-Kazakhstanian Museum of painting art, Astana's Museum of modern art and Pavlodarian region museum of fine arts. In a long fighting Pavlodar won! Our congratulations! Now, looking at exposition of Pavlodarian Museum, every volunteer can enjoy with "Mysterious experience of enlightened aksakal" by Sergey Maslov, "Book of changes" by Vsevolod Demidov, "Black book of dissident" by Tahir Gabdrahmanov, "Red" and "Yellow books" by Said Atabek, "two volumes of "Way" by Gans Angerer and Moldakul Narimbetov and with others.



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