
6 June 2009, is official opening day of 53rd International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennial, curated by Daniel Birnbaum.

  «MAKING WORLDS» – the significant motto-theme offered by Daniel Birnbaum for artists and curators.

  The Central Asian pavilion will be presented by the curator and art critic Beral Madra (Turkey), the co-ordinator – Vittorio Urbani (Italy), assistants to the curator: Nazira Alimbaeva (Kyrgyzstan).

  Pavilion of the Central Asia in the third time will gather artists from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. For now they active prepare to the project.


Soros Center for Contemporary Art – Almaty
 cordially invites you to visit «Corner of Sight» exhibition.

Participants: Georgy Tryakin-Bukharov, Rustam Khalfin, Said Atabekov, Erbossyn Meldibekov, Nurbosyn Orys-uly, Saule Suleimenova, Galim Madanov, Oksana Shatalova, Natalya Dyu, Aleksey Shindin, Katerina Nikonorova, Malik Abyshev, Regina Shepetya, Andrei Pilipenko and Igor Kochetkov.

The opening is on 9 December, 2008, since 18:30.
Address: Gagarin Str., 83, 3 floor
The exhibition is opened from December 10 till  December 23


Guete Institute and Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty cordially invite you to visit the presentation of video-art by Martina Wolf (Germany) which will take place on 30 September, 2008, at 14.00 in the SCCA-Almaty office.



 Soros Center for Contemporary Art - Almaty
cordially invites you to attend
the "Eastern Orientalism" conference

on June 6-7, 2008
in the conference-hall of the House of Scientists of Kazakhstan .

Along with that on June 6, “Versions...”
the exhibition of Central Asian contemporary artists
will be opened in ULAR, the gallery of modern art.

Conference page (details, participants, time-table, sponsors) >>>

Press-release >>>


Photo-art with Jens Liebchen (Berlin)

  On June 4, in the State Art Museum by A. Kasteev an exhibition "Bauhouse: photos" will be opened. Visitors will see more then 120 historical art photos by famous masters like Joseph Alberts, Laslo Makhoi-Nad and others.

Organizers are Guete Institute and Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty.

  Opening ceremony is on June 4, 2008, at 16.00
  Exhibition works till June 25, 2008

  Organizers invite photographers from Kazakhstan to take place in "Photo-art" master-class, wich will take place on June 10-12, 2008, in a frame of exhibition.



 Soros Center for Contemporary Art - Almaty
cordially invites you to attend
the "Eastern Orientalism" conference

on June 6-7, 2008
in the conference-hall of the House of Scientists of Kazakhstan .

Along with that on June 6, “Versions...”
the exhibition of Central Asian contemporary artists
will be opened in ULAR, the gallery of modern art.

Conference page (details, participants, time-table, sponsors) >>>

Press-release >>>


Photo-art with Jens Liebchen (Berlin)

  On June 4, in the State Art Museum by A. Kasteev an exhibition "Bauhouse: photos" will be opened. Visitors will see more then 120 historical art photos by famous masters like Joseph Alberts, Laslo Makhoi-Nad and others.

Organizers are Guete Institute and Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty.

  Opening ceremony is on June 4, 2008, at 16.00
  Exhibition works till June 25, 2008

  Organizers invite photographers from Kazakhstan to take place in "Photo-art" master-class, wich will take place on June 10-12, 2008, in a frame of exhibition.


On May 2, in Dubai (UAE) in Elementa Gallery the opening of the exhibition "Ñîversation" will take place.
   It's a joint project of artists and curators from India, Pakistan and Kazakhstan, who is going to research similarities and differences between our countries. We are historically and geographically close to each other but politically different, and there are little or no contacts.

 Participants: Pushpamala N., Tushar Joag, Vibha Galhotra, Shakuntala Kulkarni, Jastin Ponmani (India) ; Said Atabekov, Oxana Shatalova, Yerbossyn Meldibekov, Almagul Menlibayeva (Kazakhstan); Bani Abidi, Hamra Abbas, Adnan Madani, Risham Saed, Nadia Shaukat (Pakistan)
  Curatorial team: Sharmila Samant (India), Valeria Ibraeva (Kazakhstan), Quddus Myrza (Pakistan)

  Elementa, Gallerie88 FZCO LIU-KO5, Dubai Airport Free Zone

  The exhibition is opened from May 3 till July 15, 2008.


Call for application to
International Summer Seminars for Art Curators:

Post Socialism and Media Transformations:
Strategies of Representation

Date/place: July 21-August 1, 2008, Yerevan, Armenia

Application deadline: April 15, 2008

Details >>>


  Soros Center for Contemporary Art – Almaty
cordially invite you to visit
«The House of Tolerance» exhibition.
The opening is on March 18, 2008, since 18:30.
Address: Gagarin Str.83, 3 floor

The exhibition is opened from March18 till March 30

Our sincere gratitude to:

The Academy
of Design

“DERBES” Beer Production Company


  In the end of December, 2007, the group of artists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and Uzbekistan returned from the Mumbai, India after the opening of the "DESTINATION ASIA: FLYING OVER STEREOTYPES" exhibition in a gallery Project 88. It was the second stage of the large DESTINATION ASIA project.

Exhibition materials (press-release, leaflet, photogallery) >>>


  Dear Friends, whole Febryary SCCA-Almaty was buzy with a next moving. Therefore we was without phones and Internet. Now our office located on address: Almaty, Gagarin Ave. 83 (corner of Kurmangazy Str.), 2nd Floor. You can reach us by phones: +7 (727) 277-53-43, +7 (727) 296-90-18

Best regards,
SCCA-Almaty Stuff

Archive 2007

Cultural Project
"My Motherland
is Kazakhstan"

The Hivos Foundation
(The Netherlands)

“The Planet of





[antiparty gang]



Centre for
Traditional Aikido
in Almaty


Art Gallery



Modern Art











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Fresh news

Archives: Archive 2007 | Archive 2005-2006 | Archive 2004 | Archive 2003 | Archive May - December 2002 | Archive January - May 2002
SCCA: The description of activity  | The Address

Projects: "Destination Asia" (calatog)  "Destination Asia: Eastern Orientalism" (conference, Amaty, 2008) "Destination Asia: Flying Over Stereotypes" | "Destination Asia: Non-Strict Correspondence" (2007) | The catalog of the festival "VideoIdentity" (2004) | D-Generation Project | Texts about contemporary art | The directory "Contemporary art of Kazakhstan" | Workshop 'Two in One' | ' The Art of the second half of the XX century' | 'Trans-Forma'  | Grant competition (2001)  | 'Chamber exhibition' | 'The feast of spirit'  | 'Kazakhstan art life'  | 'Communications. Expiriences of interaction' | 'Erkin'

Exhibitions: "NON EROTISM" (Oxana Shatalova, 2007) | "The Way to Rome" (Said Atabekov, 2007) | "Transgression" (Galym Madanov, 2007) | "Inter-Faces" (2007) | “Transformation of Space in Almaty” (2007) | "Nif-Nif&Nuf-Nuf" (Tryakin-Bukharov, 2007) Femihat Exhibition (2007), Intim - In Time Exhibition (Rustam Khalfin),  Centauromahy Exhibition (Erbossyn Meldibekov) We Are the Nation Of the Kazakhstan Exhibition | Bar®el.kz Exhibition | United Colors of Revolution Exhibition |
Contacts By our e-mail Web-master

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design: Martgarita Dahlhaus & Roman Arefiev