photogallery of the exhibition

Place: Soros Center for Contemporary Art- Almaty (Kazakhstan, Almaty, 171 Tulebaev Str.)
Dates: April 10 - April 27, 2007
Press-release (in Russian) >>>

(Click on the image for full view)

Andrey & Ivan Pilipenko
«Genetic Code».
photo, 2007

Andrey & Ivan Pilipenko
«Genetic Code-2».
photo, 2007

Almagul Menlibaeva,
video, 2003

(apa means grandmother in Kazakh)

Andrey Pilipenko
«Verses White and Black».
photo, 2007

Andrey Pilipenko
«Verses White and Black».
photo, 2007

Irina Maslikova
«Lyrics of W.»
installation, 2007

Oxana Shatalova
«In the Torture Chamber Of the Beauty.
Face Aerobic».
photoseries, 2007

Oxana Shatalova
«In the Torture Chamber Of the Beauty.
Face Aerobic».
photoseries, 2007


Yerbossyn Meldibekov
«Red October,
or The Blonde In Chocolate».
collage, 2007

Said Atabekov
video installation, 2007

Said Atabekov
video installation, 2007

Natalya Dyu
«The Divorce».

Natalya Dyu
video, 2007

Curator is Dastan Kozhakhmetov.


©SCCA 2001-2002