photogallery of the exhibition

Place: Soros Center for Contemporary Art- Almaty (Kazakhstan, Almaty, 171 Tulebaev Str.)
Dates: April 27 - April 27, 2007

(Click on the image for full view)


object, 2007

object, 2007


  The opening of the “Nif-Nif&Nuf-Nuf”, personal exhibition of Georgiy Tryakin-Bukharov will take place on April 27, 2007 at 18.30 in Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty. It's the first personal exhibition of artist and the last exhibition of the SCCA-Almaty on the present address.

  Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf are brothers-pigs, the characters of the English fairy tale, who have lost from teeth of the wolf. Untimely and the violent death of pigs was the result of low-quality civil works and the materials used by brothers during the construction of their own homes. These homes was so fragile that have not sustained even breath of the wolf. Sergey Mikhalkov made more humanistic interpretation for Russian language. In his version, pigs took shelter at their third bother's Naf-Naf stone home, and stayed alive. But the primary source always remains the primary source.

  Home-studio of Georgiy Tryakin-Bukharov, as well as present SCCA-Almaty office is under the threat of demolition. Artist's house is constructed with own hand, on a place of a former public toilet. Construction continues for last 42 years and, basically, not ended. There 23 years left since Tryakin-Bukharov has refused the dream to become the traditional artist and began to do objects. And 14 years has passed as his first personal exhibition should take place in “Kokserek” gallery, but authorities seized an exhibition hall, and the gallery has stopped the existence soon. There has passed a communistic epoch when Tryakin-Bukharov created anti-Soviet objects; there has come another epoch, and master continues to create anti-Soviet objects that testifies that nothing has changed - neither attitudes between the artist and authority, nor authority. But Tryakin-Buharov should not vary, he is normal anyway.

  Installations are presented on exhibition constitutes two torn off heads of poor pigs, everything, that remains after a meeting with the wolf. Two dead muzzles made of tired metal, inlaid by fragments of the globe, they are barefacedly and roughly declare the apocalyptical forecast - a constant theme of frightening art of Georgiy Tryakin-Bukharov.

  The exhibition will continue just one day. The opening day – April 27, is the day of closing.

Curator is Dastan Kozhakhmetov.


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