“Destination Asia: Non-strict correspondence”
exhibition by Indian and Pakistani artists.


  The process of globalization has quickly developed in the modern world and seeks to establish “the world without peripheries” has not however excluded “eurocentrism” from the art sphere. This situation arises from the successful development of the art scene first in Europe and the USA which subsequently became the model for different art structures in the world. In addition, there is the idea of “reverse colonization” when an artist from Asia, Africa or Latin America has to take part in exhibitions or even move to New York, London, or Amsterdam in order to become professionally successful. The western direction of the world art development is influenced by cultural policy of Western countries, which is directed at the expansion of the western art scene and cultural enrichment through organizing exhibitions of non-Western artists in Western countries. Cultural projects have larger financial support in western countries. Contemporary art in Asia come to the world art scene also because of support from Western cultural institutions. In this situation, “non-Western” artists and audiences know more about culture and cultural situation of distant countries and less about their neighbors, because they have had fewer financial possibilities to meet and collaborate. Salima Hashmi, curator from Pakistan, writes, “I am sometimes amazed that we, who have so much in common in terms of shared histories, music, languages, and so much else, are so distanced from each other…”

  The project “Destination Asia: Non-strict Correspondence” intends, first, to fill this gap; second, to understand its causes; and third, to promote integration and cooperation between these two historically close regions. The first stage of the two years project is the exchange of exhibitions between the two regions.

 - Exhibition participants >>>

 - Time-table of events >>>

 Project team:

  Soros Center for Contemporary Art - Almaty

  Curatorial team:
1) Sharmila Samant (India),
2) Abdul Quddus Mirza (Pakistan),
3) Valeria Ibraeva (Kazakhstan).

  Project coordination - Aliya Sharipbaeva,
  Exhibition’s design - Dastan Kozhakhmetov

Zhanara Nauryzbaeva
Tulegen Nukutov


The Hivos Foundation
(The Netherlands)

Distributor of DELL in Kazakhstan

“The Planet of Electronic”
stores network (Kazakhstan)

Beer Production Company

«Veranda» restaurant
(Kurmangazy Str., corner of Masanchi Str.)

“Assorti” entertaining complex
[antiparty gang] group


©SCCA 2001-2002