List of artworks on the Annual exhibition


  1. "Museum" studio (Kyrgyzstan)
    Taking off band or the pilots’ school anthology. 2000
  2. Zitta Sultanbayeva and Ablikim Akmullaev (Kazakhstan)
    MOOM sounds. 2000
  3. Almagul Menlibayeva (Kazakhstan)
    The cover sides of my character. 1999
  4. Askhat Akhmedyarov and Zhaksylyk Medeshov (Kazakhstan)
    MES. 2000
  5. Stefan Rusu (Moldova)
    " Start up the dragon” 2000 (Videodocumentation of action). 2000
    "Heroic ode" (Videodocumentation of action) .2000
  6. Andrei Terekhov (Kazakhstan)
    A few difficult mistakes. 2000
  7. Sergei Maslov (Kazakhstan)
    Art by pager. Experiments with desire and designing of imaginations. 1999- 2000
  8. Smail Bayaliev (Kazakhstan)
    Spirit of the stone. 2000
  9. Mark Verlan (Moldova)
    Japarasan el du ru rum. 2000
  10. Patric Kovacovsky (Slovakia)
    Contact. 2000
  11. Aleksandr Malgazhdarov (Kazakhstan)
    Nice rags. 1999
  12. Miroslav Kulchitsky&Vadim Chekorsky (Ukraine)
    Dial up. 1998
  13. Arystanbek Shalbayev (Kazakhstan)
    Dream. 2000
  14. Dmitryi Bulnygin (Russia)
    My grandfather. 2000
  15. Vyacheslav Mizin (Russia)
    Russian national insects and others changes. 2000
  16. Konstantin Scotnikov (Russia)
    Siberian samoed . 2000
  17. Dmitryi Bulnygin, Vycheslav Mizin, Konstantin Scotnikov (Russia)
    Cinema “Novosibirsk”
  18. Aleksandr Makhno (Kazakhstan)
    Tmadernism. 2000
  19. Saken Narynov (Kazakhstan)
    30 kgs good and evil. 1998
  20. Saken Narynov (Kazakhstan)
    Four seasons of the intergalaxy year. 1999
  21. Oksana Chepeluk (Ukraine), Ute Weiss-Leder (Germany)
    Range. 2000
  22. Galym Madanov, Zauresh Madanova (Kazakhstan)
    Mamyr's dreams. 1999
  23. Marek Kvetan (Slovakia)
    Elimination game. 2000
  24. Roman Borisov (Kazakhstan)
    The business card – mask. 2000
  25. Irk Moldabekov (Kazakhstan)
    The person. From the cycle “Reflections”. 2000
  26. Yelena&Victor Vorobyov (Kazakhstan)
    Sunrises, sunsets. 2000
  27. Miroslav Kulchitsky, Vadim Chekorsky (Ukraine)
    Empire of passion. 1998
  28. Nikita Vinyar, Svetlana Sosnovskaya, Aleksandr Malgazhdarov (Kazakhstan)
    Sunspot. 2000
  29. Georgy Tryakin-Bukharov (Kazakhstan)
    Remake on presentation of the project “ Flying white ” in Karaganda city.2000
  30. Georgy Tryakin-Bukharov (Kazakhstan)
    Expansion. 2000
  31. Gaukhar Kiekbayeva (Kazakhstan)
    Photos Arthur Rasko, producer
    Bakhyt Bapishev
    Shymyldyk. 2000
    Thanks to “Independent virtual gallery
  32. Tomash Kizhni (Poland)
    Planet Kolyma. 1996
  33. Said Atabekov (Kazakhstan)
    "Supersoldat" 2000
  34. Group "Zamana" (Kyrgyzstan)
    Paradise. 2000
  35. Slavica Yaneslieva(Macedonia)
    Tell-fortunes on clouds. 1999
  36. Nikolai Gazeev, Margarita Amvrosova, Vladimir Zheleznov (Kazakhstan)
    The painted figures. Reading. Drawing. The comment. 2000
  37. Balash Beothy (Hungary)
    Guardian. 1998-2000
  38. Moldacul Narymbetov, Vitaly Simakov, Gulnar Myrzagalikova,Vadim Korostelyov (Kazakhstan)
    Motion. Time. 2000
  39. Zhankeldy Yestenbayev (Kazakhstan)
    Kotenporary art. 2000
  40. Evgeny Makhno (Kazakhstan)
    To be - means to be informed. 2000
  41. Elena Panayotova (Bulgaria)
    Do not look back with anger 2000
  42. Erbosyn Meldibekov (Kazakhstan)
    Hero’s monument. 1999

  43. Laboratory New Media - SCCA, Almaty 2000

    The chief of workshop – Margarita Solovyova

  44. Sergazy Narynov, Assel Mukhamedzhanova
    "Live line ". Cartoon, 8 min.
  45. Evgenya Filatova, Victor Vasilyev, Roman Arefyev
    "Mirror", video, 10 min.
  46. Victor Pankratov, Dilyara Nasyrova
    " Body body bo ". A video, 1 min.
  47. Sergazy Narynov, Assel Mukhamedzhanova
    "Staircase". A video, 4 min.
  48. Alena Kolomytseva, Julia Tikhonova
    " In the minibustaxi ". A video, 6 min.
  49. Victoria Gvozdikova, Adyl Bekishev
    "Windows". A video, 13 min.
  50. Julia Polovnaya, Adyl Bekishev, Svetlana Druchinina
    "Untitled ". A video, 2, 5 min.
  51. Vitaly Serkov
    "Confession". A video, 6 min.
  52. Victoria Gvozdikova
    "Untitled ", video, 2 min.17”