Elena Panayotova

"Don't Look Back With Anger"

The main goal of this project is the interactive communication with the audience. As a whole, the combination between photos, words and colours will evoke someone's agreement or difference of opinion. It will provoke the spectator to look inside himself, reaching the depths of his hidden emotions, to find the answer how his own eyes will be estimated by the others. And this means new kind of look at life, new experience, smartness and willingness for a new type of communication, for care and tolerance to all other people.



- Oct., 9th born in Sofia, Bulgaria


1983-89 - Academy of Fine Arts, Sofia. M.A. in Painting

- High School of Fine Arts, Sofia


2000 - The Dream Of My Life, international project, (curator)

The Open Drawer, international project, (curator)

- Safety Pin / Fibula project, (organizer & co-curator)

Festivals, Symposia & Conferences

2000 - Timing Art - Filtering Art, international conference,

Bucharest, Romania

Euuropean Summer Academy for Culture & Management,

Salzburg, Austria

International Lithograph Symposium, Plovdiv

1999 - The Paper, Kranevo

Space Of Nida, 5th International Art Workshop, Nida,


- Process-Space Festival, Balchik (co-organizer)

International Plain-Air, Kukljica, Zadar, Croatia

1997 - Process-Space Festival, Balchik (president)

1996 - In Its Own Context, Dimitrovgrad

Process-Space Festival, Balchik (president)

International Watercolor Symposium "N. Marinov",


1995 - Process-Space Festival, Balchik, (co-organizer)

1994 - Art Ceramica, International symposium, Troyan

Process-Space Festival, Balchik, (co-organizer)

- Southern Spring Arts Festival, Haskovo

- Plain-Air, Madan

Prizes & Awards

- First Prize For Young Artist, National Drawing Show, Shipka

Gallery, Sofia

- First Prize For Painting, Southern Spring Arts Festival,



1997 - Literature/Sheet Program, Theater Department, New Bulgarian

University, Sofia

Member of the Union Of Bulgarian Artists from 1997.

Artists Residencies and Scholarships

- ARTEST Program, Foundation BINZ39, Zurich, Switzerland

- Goethe Institut, Berlin, Germany

Atelierhaus Horn, Austria



11 One-woman Shows

1999 - The Lucid Dreams Of My Grandmothers, Kaire-Desine Gallery,

Vilnius, Lithuania

1998 - Games With Colors, TED Gallery, Varna

A Bit In Jest, A Bit In Earnest, AVE Gallery, Sofia

1997 - The World After Nora, Ata-ray Gallery, Sofia

Works On And Out Of Paper, Embassy of Switzerland, Sofia

1996 - Domestic Objects, Art 36 Gallery, Sofia

1995 - After Balchik, Art 36 Gallery, Sofia

Silence & Sounds, Bavarian-Bulgarian Trade Bank, Munich,


1993 - Paintings & Drawings, Industria Gallery, Wuppertal, Germany

1992 - Silent Music - Art 36 Gallery, Sofia

1990 - Fabrics And Prints - Municipal Art Gallery, Balchik

Selected Group Shows

- The Story Goes On, Solers Gallery, Sofia; Mirror, Mirror..., Arts

Festival, Art Gallery, Russe; VIth International Biennial Of Miniature

Arts, Gornji Milanovac, Yugoslavia; IInd International Artists'Book

Triennial, Vilnius, Lithuania; Shadows and light, Ata Center For

Contemporary Art, Sofia; Video project / stage design, Medea, Arabesk

Dance Company, Sofia; Imaginary Temple, Varna; Bulgaria, NY,

international project, Elisabeth Foundation, New York, USA

- Bulgarian Artists, VITA Gallery, Bern, Switzerland; Obsession, Cent-

ral Mineral Bath, Sofia; Limits Of Painting , Shipka Gallery, Sofia;

Generations, Art Gallery, Dobrich; The Paper, Art Gallery, Dobrich;

Animal, Musee Bourdel, Paris, France; Annual Show of Soros Center

for Contemporary Arts, Art Gallery, Varna; The End Of The Tale,

Palace Of Culture, Sofia

- Caprice, ATA Center for contemporary art, Sofia & Gallery for Gra-

phics and Work with Paper, Plovdiv; National Drawing Exhibition,

Shipka Gallery, Sofia; The World's Women On Line!, Internet project

of the Arizona University, Tucson, USA; Contemporary Bulgarian

Art, Collection of the National Gallery, part II, Palace of culture,

Sofia; 16 Magicians Of The Manuscript, Librairie Nicaise, Paris,


1997 - Erato's Version, Shipka Gallery, Sofia; Contemporary Bulgarian Art,

Collection of the National Gallery, Palace of Culture, Sofia; Black,

Grey, White, Shipka Gallery, Sofia & Arts Museum Kerava, Finland;

"Iskustvo/Art In Bulgaria" Art Magazine Presents ... , Shipka Gallery,

Sofia; National Drawing Exhibition, Shipka Gallery, Sofia; Nothing

Feigned / Drawings From '97, XXL Gallery, Sofia; Ist International

Artist's Book Triennial, Vilnius, Lithuania

1996 - ARTEST Show, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, Switzerland; Exchange,

Ata-ray Gallery, Sofia; Safety Pin/Fibula Project, XXL Gallery, Sofia,

Art Gallery, Balchik & Art Gallery, Dimitrovgrad

1995 - Art Ceramica, Rayko Alexiev Gallery, Sofia; Fifth Anniversary, Art 36

Gallery, Sofia

- CH=BG=Izlojba=Ausstellung, ARTEST show, Sredetz Gallery, Sofia &

Art Gallery, Varna; Works On Paper / Bulgarian artists, School Of Fine

Arts, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

- Bulgarian Art At Grand Palais, Paris, France; Sihlquai, Foundation

BINZ39, Zurich, Switzerland

1992 - Small Size, Sofia Art Gallery, Sofia; The Rhodopes, National

exhibition, Smolyan

1989 - National Youth Show, Shipka Gallery, Sofia


Lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria.