Name of project: Paradise/

Group 'Zamana'

(Garden metaphor in concept of traditional and mass media culture)



Firstly, and most importantly, what we would like to mark in the experience of socializing with the modern information process, it's - virtualization as an image of total global dematerialization.

A good example of such a transformation is a strictly material scheme, such as money. In archaic and classic times, money had a high sacral (esoterics of pictures, emblems, and seals) and physical value. With time, sacral and physical value of money is profaned with the appearance of paper money, and reaches its apogee in the procedure of careless (i.e. becomes a virtual object).

From a synergic point of view, this is a total process. It includes almost all levels and processes of human doings, which, in their ending, connect to monetary exchange. Including objects of art and culture.


The Internet today allows one to "get in" any library of the world, get any text, any image, anything that has some informational value to that person. So, all distance and material value of an artifact is eliminated (i.e. books, pictures, architwectural volumes, etc.), and what's left is a flat informational duplicate, a simulacre.


We intentionally accent a negative (turbulent) effect of the mass media process, tied with the phenomenon of virtualization, showing it in terms of virtualization, trying to show its meaning in context with classic, material cultural inheritance, which, inour eyes, has a undoubted onthological status.


There is another aspect of the mass-media process which is tied with the process of virtualization. If the later was tied with the technological aspect of the global computer process, then then the derealization is tied with the anthropological effect. So, the virtualization influences both sides: the virtualization of the world and the virtualization of man. Because virtual objects exist only moments, (ephemeral), so a person that places himself into a virtual world becomes ephemeral, of a one-day use. In other words, he loses all status of being.


We would like to "play around" with this type of intentions, artistically articulating them to show our concern for the aggresiveness of the mass media process and the problems of cultural life in an ever-increasing virtual <<heaven>>.


Description of Project:

The installation is spread out on an area of 3x6 m.


Mandala circle from fully grown wheat in a diameter of 3m, and a rectangle with size 3x1.5 m, from spread out dry grains on which stand 3 monitors.


--------------------------------. On the wall are the photomaterials. Videomaterials are followed by a musical piece.



3 monitors, diameter 37 cm, 3 stereo-players.