Art Gallery ARK

Founded in 1997

Director - Elizaveta Grigorievna Malinovskaya, Ph. D. , Assistant Professor.



Kazakhstan, Almaty, 480051, Dostyk 240, office 107, “Dostar” Business Center

tel: 7(3272) 58-40-66 or 58-40-68

e-mail: [email protected]


Work hours

Monday-Saturday, 10am-7pm



“ARK” is a self-supported private art gallery. The coincidence in the name “ARK” of related western and eastern words (“ark” also means “citadel” in Persian) reflects the main concept of the gallery’s activity - a dialogue of cultures. The gallery is oriented towards traditional and avant-garde art movements. Under the gallery’s projects, it holds exhibitions of the leading artists (V. Lyu-Ko, E. Kazaryan, A. Noda, N. Litvinova, G. Madanov, the “Green Triangle” group, D. Aliev, E. Rudoplavova etc), exhibitions of artists not so well-known even to the professionals (from regions — P. KIshkis, F. Islamova, T. Barinova, D. Sycheva, F. Potehina; from neighboring countries — M. Nadtochyi, Bishkek and others), and exhibitions of the forgotten masters (V. Polyakov, O. Nurzhumaev, I. Kvachko, V. Shutenkov, G. Chernoshekov).

Some of the “ARK” thematic exhibitions have become popular and even fashionable (Almaty’s landscapes, ceramics, collages, Soviet art of the 30-50s and, importantly, of the 70-80s).

The main component of the gallery’s work, the support for the most talented and original artists and development of the cultural space under free market conditions without loosing the artistic and aesthetic potential, is achieved based on the exhibition policies, theoretical overview of processes taking place in contemporary art (research, publication, publishing activities of the gallery), shaping the new art viewer, working with private and corporate collections. The last project of the gallery, “Art in the Interior Design”, is a joint exhibition, a popularization of art in the “Elite Home” magazine, introduction of art into the designers’ projects, organization of seminars with participation of the leading masters of the European design for Kazakhstan artists (with the “Azimut” company).