Sydykhanova Zauresh

Born in 1971 in Almaty. Currently lives in Almaty.

1988-1994 Department of History, Al-Farabi Kazakh State University

1993 Training in L’institue d’Ete peinture, Marly-le-Roi, France

1994 Training in Musee des Artes contemporaines, Marceille, France

1997-2001 Moscow Graduate School of Art Science of the Russian Academy for specialists in Arts, Culture and Tourism


Professional Experience:

1990-1994 Guide, Kasteev State Museum of Arts

1994-1995 Head of the guide tour office, Kasteev State Museum of Arts

1995-2000 Deputy head of the department for organizational work and guide tour services, Kasteev State Museum of Arts

since 2000 Coordinator of visual arts at the Soros Center for Contemporary Art — Almaty


Curatorial Projects

2000 “Unknown Sydykhanov”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty

2001 “A Spirit’s Feast”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan
 “Chamber Exhibition”, “Umai” Museum, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Gifts to the Museums”, Pavlodar Oblast Museum of Art, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

2002 “Souvenir from Kazakhstan”, “Tribuna” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“I am a child again”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty; Atyrau Oblast Museum of Art; President’s Center for Culture, Astana, Kazakhstan

Organized or Participated in the Following Exhibitions

1997 Personal exhibition of A. Sydykhanov, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 “House at the seashore”, Directorship of Arts Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 Curator’s assistant for “Trans Forma” exhibition, Geneva, Switzerland




2000 “Landslide (about artwork by A. and A. Bobbs)”, Almaty

2001 “A Spirit’s Feast” Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 “Abdrashid Sydyhanov”, Almaty


2000 “Return of Adam and Eve…” (about artists A. and A. Bobbs), Express-K, vol.23, Almaty

2002 “Groom and Bride. About Bienalle of Contemporary Art”, Novoe Pokolenie, September, Almaty