Solovieva Margarita

Born in 1949 in Almaty. Currently lives in Almaty.

1970-1974 Department of Movie Drama, All-USSR State Institute for Cinematography, Moscow, Russia


Wrote scripts for the following movies:

1975 “A Summer in the Zoo”, Kazakhstan

1977 “Masters from Karatau”, Kazakhstan

1979 “A Month for Thinking”, Kazakhstan

1980 “Overcoming”, Kazakhstan

1982 “Kaichi”, Kazakhstan

1983 “Who is afraid of the dark”, Kazakhstan

1984 “Alpamys-batyr”, Kazakhstan

1985 “Lark”, Kazakhstan

1989 “Cat that walked all by itself”, Russia

1990 “Er-Tostik”, Kazakhstan

1992 “The Gates of Freedom”, Bashkortostan

1999 “Silver Spoon”, Russia

2002 “Alive”, Russia


Curatorial projects

1999-2000 head of the “Laboratory of new media”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Kazakhstan

2000 member of the curator group of the Second Annual exhibition of Soros Center for Contemporary art “Communications: Experience of Interaction”, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2001 a series of mini-exhibitions “In the backyard of a residential house”, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 “Live smiling”, exhibition at the Kazakhstan branch of St. Petersburg Humanitarian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan




2001 “In the laboratory of new media” in digest “Artistic life of Kazakhstan”, Almaty

2002 “Art-youth-education”, Almaty


1979 “To give everything a proper name”, Novyi Film, Almaty

1980 “Er-Tostik”, Novyi Film, Almaty

1990 “Kazakhtelefilm – what next?”, Novyi Film, Almaty

1991 “On the threshold of a new show”, Novyi Film, Almaty


1995 “Red cat, or a bag of dried apples”, Express-K, February, Almaty

2000 “Exotic “Kyzyl Traktor” conquered Lithuania, or the Customs Office will not give up the goodies”, Express-K, March, Almaty