Ordabaev Almas

Born in 1938 in Novosibirsk (Russia). Currently lives in Almaty.

1951-1955 Leningrad Construction and Engineering Institute, Department of Architecture


Professional Experience

since 1962 Practice in architecture

1965-1972 Instructor, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute

1989-1993 Instructor, Kazakh State Al-Farabi University

since 1989 Member of the Designers’ Union

1992-1995 Lecturer in culturology, Almaty State Abai University



Curatorial Projects

1996 “Babylon Tower” co-curator, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Took part in numerous exhibitions of architects and designers




1994 Edited book “Kazakh Ornament” by K. Ibraeva, Almaty

1996 “Double Vision”. Catalogue of exhibition of works by G. Madanov and A. Esenbaev, Almaty

1997 Consultant for “Crafts by master-zergers from Central Asia” by I. Tasmagambetov, Almaty

1998 “A Walk on the Babylon Tower”, catalogue, Almaty