Oberemko Oksana (Shatalova)

Born in 1972 in Rydnyi, Kostanai Region. Currently lives in Rudnyi.

1990-1993 Rudnyi Industrial Institute


Professional Experience

1996-1999 Founder of “Pygmalion”, a literature-art newspaper

1999-2000 Founder of “Pygmalion” magazine

since 2001 Chairman, Community Fund “Pygmalion”


Curatorial Projects

1997 project of “Pygmalion” magazine, Rudnyi, Kazakhstan

2000 created website “Library of Turkic Poetry ”Simurg”, Rudnyi, Kazakhstan

Organized and Participated in the Following Exhibitions:

2001 “Landscape in landscape”, Rudnyi, Kazakhstan

2002 “The Ideal Journey. Amateur Photo-album”, Rudnyi, Kazakhstan



1999 “Towers and Wells” (review on live art), in co-authorship with O. Oberemko, Pigmalion, February, Rudnyi

2000 “Driver! When Approaching Kostanai, Look Around!”(about “Landscape in landscape” project), Pigmalion, vol.37, Rudnyi

2001 “There is no Spoon (about advertisement)”, Internet I Ya, August
 “Behind the glass”, Internet I Ya, November
 “Ever-present Babylon”, Internet I Ya, December

since 1997 publications on the Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty website, in the local (Rudnyi) and oblast periodicals