Malinovskaya Elizaveta

Born in 1948 in Almaty. Currently lives in Almaty.

1965 Almaty Pedagogical Institute for Foreign Languages, English Language Department

1967-1970 State Pedagogical Institute for Foreign Languages (Tashkent), English Language Department

1974-1980 Repin Leningrad Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Department of Theory and History of Art

1982-1985 Graduate studies at the Repin Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

Ph.D. in Art, Assistant Professor. Dissertation on “Development of Professional Architecture in Kazakhstan” was defended on 12/21/89 at the Scientific Research Institute of Art of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, Moscow


Professional Experience

1972-1982 Instructor in English and Art History, Gogol Art College, Almaty

1982-1985 Post-Graduate studies, Repin Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Department of Theory and History of Art

1985-1992 Senior researcher of the department “All Monuments of History of Culture”, Scientific Research Institute “KazProjectRestoration”

1992-1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Planning (courses in art history, architecture), Institute for Architecture and Construction, Penza, Russia

1994-1997 Deputy Director, “Tengri-Umai” Gallery, Almaty. Organized 44 exhibitions.

since 1997 Founder and director, “ARK” Gallery, curator of 55 exhibitions.

Participated in numerous republic, regional, all-USSR, international, world congresses, conferences, round tables, symposia, including IKAMOS (UNESCO), Kassel, Germany and others (with further publications of the conference materials).


Curatorial projects

Project “Private Collection”, “Ark” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “S. Aitbaev. From private collections”
“From grandmothers’ chests”

1999 “Morning meets us with freshness. Painting and object of the 40s” (This project is also known as “About the Past – without the Irony”)
“Nostalgia. Almaty’s landscapes.” (1930-90s)
Project “About the Past – without the Irony”, “Ark” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “By ways of Truth” (P. Recheski, Karaganda)

1999 “Foothills” (Oralbek Nurzhumbaev)

2000 “Idyll”(I. Bondarenko)
“A-la prima”(V. Potehin, Shymkent)
“Master of Water Colours” (V. Polyakov)

2001 “Family Chronicles”, Exhibition of 4 generations of artists Prahovs, Kuzhelenkos, Leontievs

Project “Applied Arts”, “Ark” gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 “Kungei-teriskei”(A. and S. Bapanovs)
“Diyarim” (Ashim Kurbanov)
“Boomerang”(ceramics by I. and R. Kozhahmetovs)

Project “Spiritual and Lethargic Contexts of the Art Today”, “Ark” gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Journey of a Sunny Barge”. To the 1st anniversary of the Gallery. Communal exhibition.
“A Noah’s Dove” (D. Aliev)

1999 “The Magi in a hurry”(communal exhibition dedicated to the 2000 years of Christianity)
“Bethlehem’s Light”(dedicated to 2000 years of Christianity)

Project “Provincial artists”, “Ark” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Ai Men Kun” (artists of Pavlodar)
“Fate or the last delusions”(N. Viktorova, V. Gertzen, Karaganda)
“Kontrapunkt”(artists from Aktyubinsk, Pavlodar, Karaganda, Bishkek)

1999 “…we find ourselves by peering our”(P. Kishkis, Karaganda)
“Anatomy of Melancholy”(F. Islamova, Karaganda)
“Occasional foreshortening”(T. Chelnokova, Astana; N. Litvinova, Karaganda)

2000 “Chokpak”(R.Potehin, D. Sycheva, Chimkent)
“Up, down”. Paintings by E. Ralina (Astana) and N. Litvinova (Karaganda)
“A Park of Dreams”(F. Islamova, Karaganda)
“Pictures of quiet life”(landscape, still life)

Project “At the edge of the high genre”. “Ark” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999 “Pastel”(works by Leontiev, Kvachko, Dyachkin, Aliev, Osipov, Mendibaeva, Esdauletova)
“Elegy”(gouache, watercolors, drawings by I. Kvachko)

2001 “Introspections”(watercolors by A. Hairulina)

2002 “Blessed koan and others”. Collages by M. Nadtochi, Bishkek; ceramics by I. and P. Kozhahmetovs, Almaty.
“The Autumn Transit”(enamels, glass, ceramics by Russian artists M. Beketov, E. Evdokimova, M. Selishev)

Project “Museum of One Painting”

1998 Presentation of triptych “The End of an Era” by V. Lyui-Ko, a bell “Memory” by E. Kazaryan (“A Parade of Galleries”. Kasteev State Museum of Art, Almaty)

2001 “A Journey in Time”. Presentation of a triptych with the same name by O. Pischev and a series of paintings of the “Ark” Gallery)

Project “Recent History”

1989 “Requiem”(Kasteev State Museum of Art, Almaty), Co-curator, co-author of the booklet and the author of the section on architecture.

1992 “Repressive Architecture”(Artists’ Union of Kazakhstan, Almaty). Curator. Author of a catalogue, exposition.

1998 “The Footprints of Heaven”. Personal exhibition by G. Madanov.

1999 “Green Triangle and others”. Paintings by E. Kazaryan, “The Group of Four”. (“A Parade of Galleries”. Kasteev State Museum of Art, Almaty)

Project “Ecology”

2001 “A Kaleidoscope of autumn”. Ceramics exhibition by R. and E. Kazaryan (Butakovka Gorge, Almaty)
“Vanishing nature”. Exhibition by a internationally renowned floral designer N. Lopatina (installations, objects).




In all more than 100 publications on problems of cultural legacy, architecture and art. These are some examples:


1990 “Unfinished dialogue. Co-author Moscow.

1991 “Brief Encyclopaedia “Kazakhstan” in 4 volumes”. “Iskusstvo” Publishers House, Almaty. Twelve articles on art and architecture.

1993 “A Monument of Modern Architecture”. Textbook, Penza, Russia.

1994 “All Monuments of History and Culture of Kazakhstan”. 1st volume “Chimkent Oblast”. Introductory article and 53 articles on various subjects.

2000 “Chronicles of the Artistic Life in Kazakhstan at the beginning of the 90s”. “The Latest on the Contemporary”, pp 65-77, Almaty


1992 “Repressed Architecture: Stalin’s Buildings, Work and Fate of the Architects.” Catalog of the exhibition, Almaty.

1993 Catalogue of the most distinguished works from the XVth all-USSR competition of the best architectural works and projects, 1990, Moscow”

1995 “Andrei Noda”, Almaty

1997 “The End of an Era”. Introductory article, design, conceptual edition. Mono-calendar, Almaty

2001 “Kozhahmetov Reshat”, Almaty.


1985 “On the question of creative directions in architecture of Almaty at the beginning of the 1930s. Formation of the city center.” In book “Problems of synthesis of Art and Architecture. Digest of thematic scientific works. XIXth issue, Saint-Petersburg.

1990 “Figure of Silence” in book “Perestroika and Fine Arts Culture”, Almaty
“Experience of Studying the Legacy of the Soviet Architecture during Preparation of “All Monuments of History and Culture of Kazakhstan”. In book: ”Theses of the Scientific Conference dedicated to 70th Anniversary of the Chimkent Regional Museum”, Almaty
“Young National Schools: Actuality and Methodology of Research” in “Problems in History of Architecture”. Report thesis. All-USSR Scientific Conference, VNIITAG, Russia

1992 “Patterns in Formation of the Historic-Cultural Models of the Architectural School of Kazakhstan.” International Scientific Conference on History of the World Culture “West-East: Interactions of Traditions”, Moscow (in English)

1994 “Socio-cultural Aspects of Repressions in Architecture”. In book: “KGB: yesterday, today and tomorrow”. International conference. “Glasnost” Publishers House, “Cultural Initiative”, Moscow

1995 “Culturological and Professional Aspects of the Theory of Social Distribution in relation to the “settlement of nomads”. In book “Nomadic Culture at the Border of Centuries (XIX-XX, XX-XXI cc): Problems of Genesis and Transformation”, Almaty

1997 “A Dialogue between Utopia and Reality – symposium on problems of development of contemporary art in the countries of the Orient (University of Kassel, Germany).” In book “Museum and the Artistic Life in Kazakhstan at Present Time”, Almaty
“Architectural Legacy as a Factor of the Habitat Humanization.” 1st International Congress “Ecological Methodology for Revival of Man and the Planet Earth”, Almaty

2002 “Role for Non-governmental Structures in Art Development in the 1990s. Social and Professional Paradigms for Existence”. In book: “Problems and Perspectives for Development of Modern Culture in Kazakhstan”, “Organization # 9”, Almaty


1989 “National Uniqueness of Kazakhstan’s Architecture at the end of the 1930s”, Arkhitektura I Stroitelstvo Uzbekistana, vol.11

1998 “Journey into the Unknown or History of a Persistent Hope”, Didar, vol.1
“The End of an Era”, Didar, vol1
“Calmly listening to Nature”, Kumbez, vol.2

1999 “Theater of the Age of Socialism Building”, Almaty-ART, vol.5

2002 “Bliss of Crafting and Searching for Design”, Elitnyi Dom, vol.4
“Metamorphosis. The Art of Modern Enamel”, Elitnyi Dom, vol.5


1995 “Elite Art – is this an egoism?” Egoist + Art and Music”, April

1996 “Trial of the Creators of the Red Capitol”, Argumenty I Fakty, vol.2

1997 “Almaty – the capitol? – Yes.”, Almaty-ART, vol.3

Also prepared some 100 articles for booklets of the exhibitions that I organized.




1990 laureate of the Architects’ Union of the USSR competition in theory and criticism