Li Camilla

Born in 1944 in Sayak village, Taldy-Kurgan. Currently lives in Almaty.

1961-1965 Degree in teaching German Language, Almaty Pedagogical Institute for Foreign Languages, Department of German Language

1970-1875 Repin Leningrad Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Department for Theory and History of Art

1984-1986 Graduate School of the Institute of Literature and Arts of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2001 Institute for Evaluation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Professional Experience

1967-1972 Science Secretary, Directorship for Painting Exhibition of the Ministry of Culture of the Kazakh SSR

1972-1974 Science Secretary, Republic Museum for the Folk Art of the Ministry of Culture of the Kazakh SSR

1974-1976 Head of craft arts department, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1976-1984 Senior Painter, Art Fund of Kazakh SSR

 Researcher, Auezov Institute for Literature and Art

1991-1995 Vice-President, association “Ulasu-Art”

1996-2001 Chair, Non-governmental organization “Laboratory of Intellectual Property”

since 2001 Executive Secretary, The Artists’ Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Curatorial Project

1996-1997 “Alternative Concept for the Judicial Base in Art”(creation of an alternative law on culture)

1997-1998 Mobile “Ecology of Culture” exhibition in Kazakhstan

1990-2001 “Mechanisms for Protecting the Author’s Rights and Objects of Intellectual Property” (concepts and publishing pilot bulletins “Author and Law”)





1998 “Art of Kazakhstan in 60-90s”, Almaty

2001 “XX Century. Art in Kazakhstan” (Paintings, sculpture, graphics, contemporary art), Almaty

2002 “Applied Art of Kazakhstan. XX Century”, Almaty.


1995 “Galym Madanov”, Almaty

1996 “F. Kamalov”, Almaty


2000 “Contemporary Art and Oriental Mentality” in “The Latest about the Contemporary”, Almaty


1990 “The Mannequin Phenomenon” (E. Tulepbaev), Iskusstvo, vol.9, Moscow

1993 “Glimpses of Silence” (G. Madanova), Didar, vol.1, Almaty

1999 “Symbol-code of Truth”(A. Sydyhanov), Didar, vol.15, Almaty