Kopbosinova Rauza

Born in 1942 in Ganyushkino, Atyrau Region. Currently lives in Almaty.

1963-1967 Repin Leningrad Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Department of Theory and History of Art


Professional Experience

1967-1972 Head of the department for Kazakhstani paintings, Shevchenko Kazakh State Art Gallery

1972-1976 Section “Arts”, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR

1976-1990 Head of the department of fine arts in Kazakhstan, Kasteev State Museum of Arts

1990-1992 Executive Secretary, Artists’ Union of Kazakhstan

1992-1995 Head of the department of fine arts in Kazakhstan, Kasteev State Museum of Arts

1995-2000 Deputy Director of Scientific Studies, Kasteev State Museum of Arts

since 2000 Head of the department of Kazakhstan art, Kasteev State Museum of Arts


Curatorial Project

1994 “Glimpses of Silence”. Paintings, watercolours by Galym Madanov, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1996 “Double Vision” (Galym Madanov, Askar Esenbaev), Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Art in Kazakhstan on the threshold of the third millennium”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2001 “Art in Independent Kazakhstan”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Took part in organization of the “Parade of Galleries” (1995-1998) and all museum expositions under “Art in Kazakhstan” since 1967.




1975 “S. Romanov” in “Soviet Artist”, Moscow

1995 “A. Sydyhanov”, Almaty

1999 “Zhanatai Shardenov” in catalogue “Dream Encyclopedia. Contemporary Art in Kazakhstan from collection of R. Spooner”, Almaty

2000 “Bahtiyar Tabiev”, Almaty
“Catalog-databank. The Artists’ Union of Kazakhstan”, preface, Almaty
“Soul’s Amalgam” (in catalogue “While painting, playing, photographing” by S. Kurmanbekova), Almaty


2000 “Art in Space without Criteria” in “The Latest on the Contemporary”, Almaty


1990 “Kazakhstan’s Art in 1980s”, Iskusstvo, vol.9, Moscow