Ibraeva Valeria

Born in 1955 in Tashkent. Currently lives in Almaty.

1973-1978 Tashkent State University, Department of Philology

1983-1989 Repin Leningrad Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Department of Theory and History of Art

1998 International House, Turquay, United Kingdom, Course of English Language


Professional Experience

1982-1991 Editor, “Oner” publishing house

1991-1992 Senior Editor, “Oner” publishing house

1991-1995 Instructor in History of Arts, Kazakhstan’s State Academy of Fine Arts

1993-1995 Editorial Board Head, “Oner” publishing house

1996-1997 coordinator for “Culture and Art” and “Publishing Business” programs, Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan

1998-present Director, Soros Center for Contemporary Art- Almaty


Curatorial projects

1992 “Chinese Erotic Art”(jointly with I. Yuferova). Music Instruments Museum, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1996 Exhibition-presentation of catalogs for 10 Kazakhstan artists”, “Tengri-Umai” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1997 “Literature and Art” exhibition at the presentation of “Soros Kazakhstan-Debut” digest. KazahBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Human Rights: Terra Incognita”. KazahBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Human Rights: A Second Breath”, KazahBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Art and Money”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999 “Human Rights – they are human rights even in Africa”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“A Letter to Tengri”, co-curator, Center for Contemporary Art, Vilnjus, Lithuania
“Gifts to the Museums”, Museum of Arts, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

2000 “Transzedens”, Kunsthalle, Vienna, Austria
“Gifts to the Museums”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2001 “10 years of “Kyzyl Tractor”, International Academy of Business, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Erkin”, co-curator of Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 “No mad’s land”, co-curator House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany
“Trans-forma”, co-curator Center for Contemporary Art, Geneve, Switzerland

Organized and Participated in the Following Exhibitions

1996 “Criminal Report”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan. “A Parade of Galleries”, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Self-Identification: Futurological prognosis”, “Moscow” shopping house, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999 Exhibition of projects for the Afghan War Memorial, The Officer House, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Exhibition of Saken Narynov “Left-Right”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 “Communications: Experience of Interaction”, “Atakent” Exhibition Complex, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Photo-sculpture by Eric Vazzoler”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Kazakhstan

2001 “A Spirit’s Feast”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Chamber Exhibition”, “Umai” Museum, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Soviet Lenin’s Internet”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 “Politik-um. New engagement”. Prazhski Grad, Prague, Czech Republic
“Souvenir from Kazakhstan”, “Tribuna” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan




1986 “One thousand and One Rainbow” (about Mendybai Alin), Leninskaya Smena, October 18th, Almaty

1988 “Adamdar hakynda akikatty aity” (about D. Aliev), Qazaq adabiety, October 28, Almaty

1989 “A Journey to the City of a Thousand Rainbows”, Drug Chitatelya, February 11, Almaty

1993 “Bahyt Bapishev, a King of Parisian Gas Stations”, Novoe Pokolenie, November 3rd, Almaty
“Headache about Strange People” (about A. Noda), Vechernyi Almaty, January 25, Almaty
“Prince Lobanov-Rostovski: I am very hopeful”, Express-K, May 12, Almaty
“Where are you, Daddy Tangi?”, Express-K, May 19, Almaty
“We don’t need Shopengauer” (about Moscow Book Exhibition), Express-K, November 3rd, Almaty

1994 “Bachite-93: an artist is going to the market” (about B. Bapishev), Express-K,
“Iskander – here is a hall for two, or independent artists between Szilla and Haribda” (about A. Osipov and S. Guliev), Express-K, October 7, Almaty
“Fine Arts Saloons: A Business of Second Sort?”, an interview, Express-K, October 21, Almaty

1995 “The Autumn Cannibalism” (on the surrealism), Express-K, October 13, Almaty
“Dancing in the Thornbushes” (about R. Aspandiyarova), Express-K, February 17, Almaty
“Abai’s Mistery”, Express-K, March 10, Almaty

1997 “An Artist Must Live in Paris”, interview for Vechernyi Almaty, August 4, Almaty
“Competition as a Way to Comprehend the World”, interview for Vechernyi Almaty, July 30, Almaty

1999 “We do not have a right to rape an artist”, interview for "Novoe Pokolenie", Almaty

2002 “Die Nationalkust stammt aus Stalins Lagern”, interview for Berliner Zeitung, March 14, Berlin
“Commentary for an exhibition in Berlin”, interview for "Novoe Pokolenie", April 5, Almaty
“Soros-Kazakhstan-Debut: How It Was”, interview for Knigolyub, March 21st, Almaty
“Genius is Determined by the Amount of Advertisement”, interview for Delovoe Obozrenie-Respublika, March 14, Almaty
“Diaries of a Smoker, or To Berlin!”, Knigolyub, April 21st, Almaty
“Levels of Contemporary Art in Central Asia”, Knigolyub, October, Almaty


1987 “Mendubai Alin”, Bilim zhane Enbek, vol.2, Almaty
“Art in Kazakhstan’ almanac for 1987, Almaty

1989 “Artists for Theater”, Sovetski Kazakhstan Segodnya, vol.3-4, Almaty

1991 “Castles on Sand of Viktor Veetman”, Sahna, vol.3, Almaty
“This different Shlyamin”, Sahna, vol.2
“Through the Prism of a Theater”, Sahna, vol.2, Almaty

1992 “A Road to “Abai””(about Sidorkin), Prostor, vol.10

1997 “What is a Center for Contemporary Art”, interview for Almaty-Art, vol.4

1998 “Nostalgia for a “golden age”, Tyurksi Mir, vol.1-2, Moscow
“A Hundred Years of Solitude”, almanac Tamyr, vol.1, Almaty

2002 “Fathers and Sons of Kazakhstani Contemporary Art”, almanac Tamyr, vol.6, Almaty
“Political Art in Kazakhstan”, Umelec, vol., Prague
“Fathers and Sons of Kazakhstani Contemporary Art”, Moskow Art Magazine, vol.43/44, Moscow
“Sto godina samoce”, Radionica vol. 2, Zagreb
“New Technologies in Art and Art Management”, Spektr Razvitiya, vol.2, Almaty


1995 “Precious Legacy”, in digest “Maslov”, Almaty

1997 “Mass Media and Contemporary Art” Circles in the Water”, in digest “Culture and Mass Media: Problems of Interaction”, Almaty

2000 Introductory article in digest “The Latest on the Contemporary”, Almaty

2001 Introductory article in digest “Artistic Life in Kazakhstan”, Almaty

2002 “From Tulebaev st.171 to Dulles Alle 10” in digest “Germany – Central Asia: Culture Dialogue”, Almaty
“Vater und Sohne. Zwei generationen neuer Kunster in Kazachstan” in digest “Abseits der Seidenstrasse”, Berlin
“New Technologies in Art and Art Management”, in digest “Problems and Perspectives of Kazakhstani Contemporary Culture Development”, Almaty


1991 “Anatoli Andrushenko” in catalog “Artists of Kazakhstan”, Moscow

1995 “Bakhyt Balishev”, Almaty

1996 “Terra incognita”, Almaty

1998 “Self-Identification: Futurological Prognosis”, Almaty

2000 “Der Traum des Tschingis Khan Geisterfalle” in catalog “Transzedenz”, Vienna

2001 “CD-catalog “Communications: Experience of Interaction”, Almaty



1990 Silver medal of Industrial Exhibition of the USSR, Moscow