Erzhan Zemphira

Born in 1962 in Almaty. Currently lives in Almaty.

1979-1984 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of History, Section for Art History

1988-1991 Graduate School, Department of History, Moscow State University. Dissertation on the “Problems in Studying the Soviet Art of the Central Asian Republics and Kazakhstan”


Professional Experience

1984 Exhibition guide, Kasteev State Museum of Arts

1985 Head of the section for Soviet Painting in the Department of Soviet Art, Kasteev State Museum of Arts

1987 Junior Researcher, Department of Fine Arts, Auezov Institute for Literature and Arts of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences

1987-1988 Transferred to Lomonosov Moscow State University as a Sabbatical Researcher

1992-1996 Junior Researcher, Auezov Institute for Literature and Arts of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences

1997-present founder and Chief Editor of “Almaty-Art” magazine

Organized and Participated in the Following Exhibitions

1997 “Exhibition dedicated to the memory of Kazakhstani artists”, “Most” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan




1990 “Kurasbek Tynybekov”(an introductory article for a catalogue), Almaty

1995 “Dulat Aliev”, Almaty

1998 “A Noah’s Dove”(booklet for D. Aliev’s exhibition), Almaty


1995 “A commentary to a Debut, notes on youth’s art” in “E. Tulepbaev. 20+20. Light from the “mind’s room””, Almaty

1996 “Art Critique of Kazakhstan in Modern Era” in “Museum and Kazakhstan’s Fine Arts in Modern Era”, Almaty

2000 “Post-Soviet Chimeras” in “The Latest on the Contemporary”, Almaty


1987 “Once again on the folklore tradition”, Prostor, vol.4, Almaty

1996 “Echo of Centuries”(article translated in English), international edition of “Caspian”

1997 “Tanbaly. Chronicles of a Disaster”, Almaty-ART, vol.1, Almaty
“Contemporary Art in Kazakhstan: Chimera or Reality?”, Almaty-Art, vol.2, Almaty
“Modern Artistic Process, Almaty-Art, vol.2, Almaty

1999 “Artistic Critique of the Soviet Orient”, Kurak, vol.2, Bishkek
“Contemporary Art in Kazakhstan”, Almaty-Art, vol.5, Almaty
“Towns of Katazhina”, Almaty-Art, vol.5, Almaty
“Searching for Diamonds”, Almaty-Art, vol.6,
“Manifesto of the Five Galleries’ Block”, Almaty-Art, vol.6, Almaty,
“Contemporary Art in Kazakhstani Mass Media”, Almaty-Art, vol.6,

2000 “A Year of Culture in Kazakhstan”, Almaty-Art, vol.10,
“On the Kazakh theme in “Tamyr””, Almaty-Art, vol.10,


1996 “Visions of the “Double Vision” (on the exhibition by G. Madanov and A. Esenbaev), NP, vol.23, Almaty
“A Parade of Galleries-96”, NP, vol.21, Almaty