Ergalieva Raikhan

Born in 1954 in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Currently lives in Almaty.

1971-1976 Repin Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Department of Theory and History of Fine Arts

2002 Ph.D. in Art Analysis. Dissertation on “Kazakh Art of the XXth Century and Traditional View of the World. Paintings. Sculpture.” Science Institute of Fine Arts Analysis of Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Professional Experience

1976-2002 Group Leader, Head of the Department for Fine Arts, Senior Research Scientist for the Department of Theater and Fine Arts, Auezov Institute for Literature and Art

2001-2002 Assistant Professor, Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts


Curatorial Projects

1992 International exhibition of “Min Oi” Gallery, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

1993 International exhibition of “Min Oi” Gallery, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

1995 International exhibition of “Min Oi” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 “Forward to the Past” (with participation of artists S. Bashirov and Z. Muhamedzhan-uly), Tashkentskaya Biennale, Uzbekistan

Organized and Participated in the Following Exhibitions

1988 Exhibition of young Kazakhstani artists within the framework of “Zhiger” Festival, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1991-1995 Yearly exhibitions of “Min Oi” Uigur Artists’ Gallery, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

1995 Personal exhibition of Erbolat Tulepbai, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 Exhibition of young Kazakhstani artists within the framework of “Zhiger” Festival, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999 Personal exhibition of Erbolat Tulepbai, Tretyakov State Gallery, Moscow, Russia



Some 90 publications on problems of Kazakh fine arts in Kazakhstani, Russian and foreign press, congress materials, digests, including:


2002 “Ethno-cultural Traditions in Contemporary Art of Kazakhstan”, Almaty


1993 “Askar Esenbaev”, an introductory article to an album, Almaty

1998 “Zhiger-98”, an introductory article for a catalogue, Almaty

1999 “Erbolat Tulepbai”, an introductory article for a personal exhibition album, Almaty


1997 “M. O. Auezov in Kazakhstan’s Fine Arts” in “Muhtar’s Legacy”, Almaty

1999 “Fallibility and Invincibility of the World in a painting’s transformations” in “The Latest on the Contemporary”, Almaty

2000 “Turkic History and Mentality in Kazakh Paintings”, Materials from the international symposium “The Turkic World”, Turkey
“Fine Arts in Kazakhstan at the End of the Millennium”, preface for the album, Almaty


1989 “Exhibition-Meeting”, Tvorchestvo, vol.2, Moscow
“Contemporary Painting in Kazakhstan”, Iskusstvo, vol.12, Moscow

1990 “Ecstasy and Meditation in Kazakh Sculpture”, Iskusstvo, vol.9, Moscow