Ezhenova Nazipa

Born in 1952 in Aksu village, Almaty Region. Currently lives in Almaty.

1970-1975 Kazakh State University, Department of Philology, Section of Russian Language and Literature

1979-1984 Leningrad Repin Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, degree in History and Theory of Fine Arts


Professional Experience

1974-1977 Senior Researcher, exhibition department of the Shevchenko Kazakh State Art Gallery

1977-1985 Senior Researcher, foreign art department of the Shevchenko Kazakh State Art Gallery

1986-1988 Instructor in Art History, Almaty Choreographic College

1988-1992 Instructor in Art History, experimental school for difficult teenagers

1995-1998 Instructor in Art History, Kazakh State Academy of Art

1997-present Instructor in Art History, Middle School N152




1995 “Elena Rudoplavova”, Almaty


1996 “I Treat Serezha Maslov Seriously”, “Maslov”, Almaty

2000 “…only a few meters above the level of understanding”, “The Latest about the Contemporary”, Almaty