Baimukhametov Zhanat

Born in 1965 in Almaty. Currently lives in Almaty.

In 1991 graduated Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, Department of Philosophy

In 1997 finished graduate school of the same university


Professional Experience

1997-2001 Lecturer in Philosophy, Kazakh State Academy of Arts

 Editorial Board Member, “Apollinarium” magazine





1998 “Intellectual Nomadism in Modern Western Philosophy” in digest “Cultural Contexts of Kazakhstan”, Almaty
“New Territories of Art” in “Art-Discourse-97” catalogue, Almaty

2000 “Provincial Self-Identification: Universalities and Idiolects”. In digest “The Latest on the Contemporary”, Almaty
“About the Masses and Their Media or A Few Thoughts on Mass Media”. In digest “Culture and Mass-Media: Problems of Interaction”, Almaty


1994 “Translated V. Nabokov’s lectures on European literature”, Apollinarium, vol.2, Almaty

1995 “Translated Poetry by R.-M. Rilke, Ch. Baudelaire”, Apollinarium, vol.2, Almaty

1998 “Nomadic Arabesques: New Art of Kazakhstan”, Hudozhestvennyi Zhurnal, vol.19-20, Moscow

2000 “Problem of Truth in Haidegger’s Germeneutics”, Tamyr Almanac, vol.2, Almaty

1998 “Video-logos of Almaty or the way up and down is the same”, Novosti SCCA,