Barmankulova Bayan

Born in 1942 in Almaty. Currently lives in Almaty.

1960-1965 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of History, Section of History and Theory of Art


Professional Experience

1967-1967 Senior Research Fellow, Shevchenko Kazakh State Art Gallery

1969-1969 Senior Research Fellow, Gorlovka Art Gallery, Ukraine

1975-1975 Lecturer in Aesthetics, Marxism-Leninism University, Gorlovka, Ukraine

1975-1976 Senior Research Fellow, Shevchenko Kazakh State Art Gallery

1976-1980 Head of the Soviet Art Section, Kasteev State Museum of Art

1980-1997 Senior Instructor in Aesthetics and History of Art, Architecture and Urban construction, Almaty Institute for Architecture and Building (later State Academy of Architecture and Building)

1999-present Senior Instructor in History of Art, Critical Cinema Review and Creative Psychology


Curatorial Projects

1997 DIDI (Spirit and Soul of and Art Critic) “Gallery Parade”. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Babylon Tower” in “Most” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
City and an object. “Gallery Parade”. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Organized and Participated in the Following Exhibitions:

1994 “Faces of the World” (E. Beisembinova), “Ular” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 A. Esdauletov, Directorship of Arts Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1997 “Wandering” (Saule and Alibai Bapanovs). “Tengri-Umai” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Invasion” (A. Esdauletov, M. Bekeev) “Tengri-Umai” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2001 “Kaleidoscope of Creativity” (A. Beisembinov), Directorship of Arts Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 “Collaboration” (photographs by B. Trosheva), Conservatory, Almaty, Kazakhstan




1984 Uke Azhiev. “Masters of Art in Kazakhstan”, Almaty

1989 “Watercolors of Kazakhstan”, Almaty

1990 introduction to “The Painting Art in Kazakhstan”, Almaty


1981 “T.N. Govorova”, Almaty

“Andei Dyachkin”, Almaty

1983 “Igor Balhovin”, Almaty
“Pavel Zaltzman”, Karaganda

1988 “Ivan Kvachko”, Almaty

1989 “Pavel Zaltzman”, Almaty

1995 “Rustam Khalfin”, Almaty

1998 “A posteriori”, Almaty
“Kushkon”, Almaty

1999 “Saule & Alibai Bapanovs”, Almaty

2000 “While painting, playing, photographing” (Sabit Kurmanbekov), Almaty


1987 “Kazakh Traditional Ornament and Modern Architecture in Kazakhstan”. “Kazakhstan’s Art” Almanac, Almaty

1995 “The space of steppe in the art of Kazakhstan”. Materials from the “The “Nomad Culture at the End of the Millennium. The Problems of Genesis and Transformation” International Conference, Almaty

1996 “Conversation at the Green Wall”. In “Maslov” digest, Almaty

2000 “Archetypes in Art of Kazakhstan”. In digest “The Latest about the Contemporary”, Almaty
“Shine and vain of the Manifest”. In digest “Culture and Mass media. Problem of Interaction”, Almaty

2001 “N. Khludov, K. Malevich and Almaty. Accident and Necessity in History of Painting in Kazakhstan”. In digest “Legacy of the XX Century. Traditions and Modernity”. Almaty


1978 “Young artists of Kazakhstan” in co-authorship with F. Galeeva. Tvorchestvo, vol.3, Moscow

1987 “The First in the Republic” (about a sculpture exhibition), Tvorchestvo, vol.2, Moscow
“Pavel Zatzman”, Bildende Kunst, vol.10, Germany

1990 “Kuanysh Esirkeev, A Painter from Karaganda”, Iskusstvo, vol.9, Moscow

1997 “Close to Post-Modernism”, Almaty-Art, vol.2, Almaty
“Beauty and Variation” (E. Beisembinova), Kumbez, vol.2, Almaty
“The Evidence for Freedom of Spirit” (A. Menlibaeva), Didar, vol. 1-2(5), Almaty
“The Art of Choice”(A. Esdauletov), Didar, vol.3, Almaty
“Andrei Starkov”, Prostor, vol.1, Almaty

1998 “The Moments of Eternity”(A. Galimbaeva), Kumbez, vol.1, Almaty
“The Art of Double Optics”(T. Chelnokova), Kumbez, vol.2, Almaty
“In Agreement with Your Own “I””(A. Noda), Kumbez, vol.3, Almaty
“Beyond the Borders of the Craft”(Ikhanova, Umbetov), Kholl, vol.2, Almaty

1999 “To Love Fluk and Milk (on exhibition “Self-Identification: Futurological Prognosis”)”, Almaty-Art, vol.5, Almaty

Movie Reviews

1983 “House under the Moon”, Novyi Film, vol.24, Almaty

1984 “When an Image becomes Flesh”, Novyi Film, vol.2, Almaty

1987 “…but thinking in images”, Novyi Film, vol.10, Almaty

1988 “To open up the secret of the soul”, Novyi Film, vol.6, Almaty
“On the trail of the Sun-Catcher”, Novyi Film, vol.10, Almaty

1989 ‘Only Experience and Talent”, Novyi Film, vol.5, Almaty
“Coming True and Establishment”, Novyi Film, vol.6, Almaty

1990 “Image and Word”, Novyi Film, vol.1, Almaty

1991 “To Die Twice?”, Novyi Film, vol.8, Almaty

1990 “Inspiration”, Novyi Film, vol.12, Almaty


28 articles in newspapers on movies, exhibitions, artists. 24 articles in booklets on artists.