Khalfin Rustam

Architect, painter, author of objects and performances, videoprojects

Born in 1949 in Tashkent. Currently lives in Almaty.

1967-1972 Moscow Institute for Architecture, Russia


Major exhibitions

1981 “Exhibition of Four”, in the apartment of Lydia Blinova and Rustam Khalfin, Almaty, Kazakh­stan

1982 “1+1+1+1”, The Union of Architects, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1985 “Rustam Khalfin. Paintings. ”, art studio of L. Glebova, Leningrad, USSR

1986 “Exhibition of Unofficial Art”, Directorship for Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1988 “Sterlingov, his pupils and followers”, Directorship for the Museum Association of Leningrad Oblast, Leningrad, USSR

1989 “Art Center”, Directorship for Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Crossing”, Directorship of Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1990 “Sterlingov’s Group”, Museum of City’s History”, Leningrad, USSR

1991 “Exhibition of Soviet Paintings”, Adelaida, Australia
“7+1”, exhibition hall of Arkhangelsk Artists’ Union, Arkhangelsk, USSR
“Sterlingov’s Group”, Yusupov Palace, Leningrad, USSR
“Modern artists for Malevich:, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, USSR

1992 “Artists’ quarter”, Directorship for Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Art-Contact”, “Manezh” Central Exhibition Hall, St.Petersburg, Russia
“Towards Malevich’s side”, Karenin Gallery, Vienna, Austria

1994 “Hand and Eye”, personal exhibition, “Studio 20” Gallery, Moscow, Russia
“Petersburg Bienniale”, “Manezh” Central Exhibition Hall, St.Petersburg, Russia

1995 “A Parade of Galleries”, presentation of the “Iskander” Gallery, Kasteev State Museum of Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Erotica and Astrology”, “Ulasu-Art” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1996 “Art in private collections”, Central State Museum of History, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Exhibition-presentation of 10 catalogs of Kazakhstani artists, “Tengri’Umai” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Postman’s Song”, KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1997 “Paintings by Rustam Khalfin and sculpture by Georgi Tryakin-Buharov”, “Asia Art” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Through form”, Art Museum, Samara, Russia
“Skin of an artist”, “A Parade of Galleries”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Art-Disckurs-97”, Observatory in the foothills of Zailiiski Alatau Mountains, Kazakhstan
“Human Rights: Terra Incognita”. KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Human Rights: A Second Breath”, KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Towards understanding boundaries”, “A Parade of Galleries”, “Asia Art” Gallery, Kasteev State Museum of Modern Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan 
First Annual Exhibition of the Soros center for Contemporary Art “Self-identification: Futurological prognosis”, “Moscow” Shopping Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Flying White” presentation, Art Museum, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

1999 “Extreme defile”, “LOOK” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“The Zero Level. Clay Project. ”, “LOOK” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Rustam Khalfin’s Birthday”, presentation by the “LOOK” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Eurasian Zone”, “Manezh” Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia

2000 “Art Moscow 2000”, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia

2001 “Media City” festival, Windsor, Canada
“New acquisitions from Central Asia”, Zimmerly Museum, New Jersey, USA
“First Bienniale in Valencia”, Valencia, Spain

2002 “No mad’s land”, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany
Videoart Festival of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art “Inventory”, German Theater, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Re-orientation”, ACC Gallery, Weimar, Germany
International Festival of Arts “Tengri-Umai”, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Curatorial projects

1996 “The Autumn gestures of anger. dedicated to the memory of L. Blinova. ”, KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1997 “Skin of an artist”, “A Parade of Galleries”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Lazy Project”, Observatory in the foothills of Zailiiski Alatau Mountains, Kazakhstan

1998 “Big Glass. Towards realization of the boundaries. ”, “A Parade of Galleries”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999-2000 “The Zero level. Clay Project. ”, “LOOK” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 Member of the curator group for the Second Annual Exhibition of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art “Communications: Experience of Interaction”, Almaty, Kazakhstan



1974 Diploma for participation in designing of Buildings on the republic’s Square in Almaty from All-USSR Meeting of Young Architects, Moscow, Russia

1999 Third Prize (together with G. Tryakin-Buharov and L. Turganbaeva) from the First Annual Exhibition of SCCA “Self-identification: Futurological prognosis”, Almaty, Kazakhstan