Sorokina Julia

Drawer, author of objects, videoartist, curator

Born in 1965 in Shuchinsk, North-Kazakhstan Oblast. Currently lives in Almaty.

1982-1987 Kazakh State Pedagogic Institute, Department of Art

1992 Courses on Cinematographic Pedagogy, State Institute of Cinematography

1999 Institute of Kulturwissenschaft, Vienna, Austria


Major Exhibitions:

1987 Zhiger. Republican Young Artist Exhibition, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1989 “Crossing”, Directorship of Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1993-1993 Exhibitions of the “Art” group, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1995 “People and Settlements”, Directorship for Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1996 “Any Size”, “Tengri-Umai” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1997 “Human Rights: Terra Incognita”, KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan
 “Skin of an artist”, “A Parade of Galleries”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
 “Human Rights: A Second Breath”, KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan
 “Art-Discourse-97”, Observatory in the foothills of Zailiiski Alatau Mountains, Kazakhstan

1998 First Annual Exhibition of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art “Self-identification: Futurological prognosis”, “Moscow” Shopping Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Towards understanding boundaries”, “A Parade of Galleries”, “Alia Art” Gallery, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999 “Plus-Minus”, State Museum of Arts, Bishkek, Kyrgystan
“A Line of Beauty”, “Base-Club”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Eurasian Zone”, “Manezh” exhibition hall, Moscow, Russia
“Tribune for Heroes”, “Tribuna” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Aina-Line Party”, “World of Fantasy – Aiya”, park, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 “The Past is Somewhere Nearby”, The “Voyager”Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2001 “4000 km or Do You really Need It?”, Langelois, Austria
“Kazakhstan Dream”, Taler, France

2002 “Re-orientation”, ACC Gallery, Weimar, Germany


Curatorial projects

1999 Co-curator of the “Tribune for Heroes” exhibition, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 Member of the curatorial group for the Second Annual Exhibition of SCCA “Communications:Experience of Interaction”, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 Curator of “Non-Silky Way – Asian extreme”, project

 co-curator of the “Re-orientation” exhibition, ACC Gallery, Weimar, Germany



1999 “Modern Art. Could get as much as you wish. ”, Novoe Pokolenie, June, Almaty
 “Marginal identification of a fresh curator in multicultural environment”, materials of the conference “Contemporary art in the context of the XX century”, Kiev

2001 “New Tele-shamanism”, in “Art Life in Kazakhstan”, Almaty

2002 “Re-orientation” , exhibition catalog



1998 Second Prize of the International Jury on the First Annual Exhibition of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art “Self-identification: Futurological prognosis”, Almaty, Kazakhstan