Sagitov Marat

Painter, designer, theater artist, video and media art artist

Born in 1967 in Orenburg, Russia. Currently lives in Almaty.

1984-1990 Zhurgenev Almaty State Institute of Theater and Art, Department of Art and Design


Major Exhibitions:

1989 “Underground”, Union of Designers. Almaty, Kazakhstan
Exhibition of Works by Artists from Aktubinsk, Exhibition Hall of the Artists Union, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1990 “Zhiger”, Exhibition of Young Artists Works, Exhibition Hall of the Artists Union, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1991 “A Road to a Temple” Exhibition Hall at the Cathedral, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1996 “Action of Free and Creative Youth”, Art Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1997 Exhibition of Young Artists Works. Central State Museum of History. Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Human Rights: Terra incognita”, KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 Presentation of Design and Engraving of Temple Complex of Vedic Culture Center, Delhi, India IV International. Central State Museum of History, Almaty, Kazakhstan
First Annual Exhibition of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art “Self-Identification: Futurological prognosis”, “Moscow” Shopping Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999 First Film Festival “See It from a New Prospective”, House of the Cinema, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 Second Film Festival “See It From a New Prospective”, House of the Cinema, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2001 To the 10th Anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Third Film Festival “See it From a New Prospective”, House of the Cinema, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 “On the Spot”, Center for Contemporary Art, Odessa, Ukraine
Video-Art Festival of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art “Inventory”, Deutsch Theater, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Trans Forma”, Center of Contemporary Art, Geneve, Switzerland
“Souvenir from Kazakhstan”, “Tribune” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan



1999 “We are Taught Art by Centers from Uncle Sam”, Novoe Pokolenie, February, Almaty

2000 “Point of View”, Novoe Pokolenie, January, Almaty
“An Artist is Getting Stupid from Material Values”, Express-K, February, Almaty
“New Technologies – Old Truth”, Express K, July, Almaty



2000 Grand Prize of The Second Film Festival “See it From a New Prospective”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Prize Recipient at the Contest of Scripts and Video-clips – “For Modern Concept of Visual Representation of Folklore Music”, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 Second Prize of the exhibition “Souvenir from Kazakhstan”, Almaty, Kazakhstan