Maslov Sergei

Painter, art fiction writer, media-art and object-art artist

Born in 1952 in Samara, Russia. Died in Almaty in 2002.

1973-1978 Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Arts and Drawing

1983-1985 graduate School. Research Institute for Art Education of the Pedagogical Academy, Moscow, Russia

1986 Ph. D. in Pedagogical Science, thesis on “Aesthetic Education of High School Students through the process of Creative Activity during the Fine Art Classes”


Major exhibitions

1978 “Zhiger”, Young Artists Exhibition. Exhibition Hall of Artist Union, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1979 Exhibition of Semipalatinsk artists, Directorship for Art Exhibitions, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan

1980 “Zhiger”, Young Artists Exhibition. Exhibition Hall of Artist Union, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1982 “Artist and the City”, United Professional Drawer-Artists Union (Malaya Gruzinovskaya), Moscow, Russia

1983 “The Autumn Painting Exhibition”, United Professional Drawer-Artists Union (Malaya Gruzinovskaya), Moscow, Russia

1985 Exhibition of Semipalatinsk artists, Directorship for Art Exhibitions, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan

1986 “Zhiger”, Young Artists of Kazakhstan Exhibition. Directorship for Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1987 “A Night Trolley” as guest of the Theater of Absurdity”, State Publishing House, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1989 Center of Arts, Directorship for Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Crossing”, Directorship of Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1990 “The Fourth Breakfast”, Vigergeburdbank, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Modern Soviet Art”, Kristin Kola Gallery, Paris, France

1995 “Art among the Arts”, “A Parade of Galleries”, Presentation of the “Voyager” Gallery. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan 
“Exhibition of Surrealism”, “Ular” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1996 “Voyager” Gallery. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1997 “Innocent Games”, “Voyager” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Almaty’s Dull Art”, the “Voyager” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Literature and Art” exhibition at the presentation of “Soros Kazakhstan-Debut” digest. KazahBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Human Rights: A Second Breath”, KazahBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Maslov near to art and close to literature”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan. “A Parade of Galleries”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
First Annual Exhibition of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art“Self-identification: Futurological prognosis”, “Moscow” Shopping Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Empire Style during the Plague. The “Voyager” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999 “East-West. A Meeting at the border”, Shyrayevo village, Samara Region, Russia
“Tlon – I don’t know such a country”, Directorship of Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 Second Annual Exhibition of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art “Communications:Experience of Interaction”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“The Past is Somewhere Nearby”, The “Voyager” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2001 “The Cover of Routine”, Stuttgart, Germany
“Spirit’s Feast”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“New acquisitions from Central Asia”, Zimmerly Museum, New Jersey, USA
“Province: Between Europe and Asia”, Shyryaevo Village, Samara Oblast, Russia

2002 “No mad’s land”, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany
“Re-orientation”, ACC Gallery, Weimar, Germany


Curatorial projects

1997 “Innocent Games”, “Voyager” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 “The Past is Somewhere Nearby”, The “Voyager” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan



1996 “L. Goldman. Notes of another person”, Express-K, March, Almaty
“L. Goldman. Notes by another person-2”, Express-K, April, Almaty
“Autobiography by Lev Goldman with a nickname Agasfer. Toasts”, Prostor, vol. 11, Almaty

1998 “Remembering Sergei Kalmykov”, Hudozhestvennyi Zhurnal, vol. 19-20, Moscow
“Brotherhood of Artists”, Art-diskurs-97, Almaty
“Drawings for Demiurg”, Art-diskurs-97, Almaty
“Letters to Whitney Houston”, First Annual Exhibition SCS “Self-identification: Futurological prognosis”, Building of “Moscow” Shopping Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan 

1999 “Artists-ninjas appear the emptiness”, Tamyr Almanac, vol. 1, Almaty
“Press is thought to be the Fourth Power”, Vremya po Grinvichu, June, Almaty

2000 “From letters between Whitney Houston with Sergei Maslov, a meeting with an interesting person, Urbi-et-Orbi Almanac, Bishkek
“Remembering a trip to Samara”, in catalog “Province: Between Europe and Asia”, Samara
“Notes of a Curator”, in catalogue “The Past is Somewhere Nearby”, Almaty

2001 “Seasons”, in Tamyr Almanac, vol. 3, Almaty
“The Dead are Coming”, in Hudozhestvennaya Zhizn Kazakhstana, Almaty

2002 “Die toten commen”, in “Abseits der Seidenstrasse”, Berlin
“Nomads are far from crazy”, Izvestiya, April, Almaty
“She danced with Nikita Mikhalkov”, Izvestiya, March, Almaty
“Star Nomads”, novel at