Levitzkaya Yulia

Craft, video- and media-artist.

Born in 1966 on Sakhalin Island. Currently lives in Almaty.

1985-1990 degree in “Architecture of Residential and Community Buildings”, Almaty Institute for Architecture and Building

1999-2002 degree in “Script-Writer”, Zhurgenev Kazakh National Academy of Arts


Major exhibitions

1990 All-USSR Exhibition of Diploma Works, Moscow Institute for Architecture, Moscow, Russia

1996 “Mask Exhibition”, “Arman” movie theater, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1997-2000 Central Asian Craftsmen Fair, Almaty, Kazakhstan and Tashkent, Uzbekistan

1997 “Woman-East-West”, “Most” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Toy Exhibition”, “Tengri-Umai” Gallery (Almaty) and Central Museum (Astana), Kazakhstan

1999 “Toy Exhibition”, “ASSIA” Fine Arts Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Toy Exhibition”, “Tribuna” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Toy and Animations Exhibitions”, “ASSIA” Fine Arts Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Film Festival “See in a New Way”, House of Cinema, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Chamber Exhibition. “Umai” Museum, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Lenin’s Soviet Internet ”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art , Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 Videoart Festival of the Soros center for Contemporary art. “Inventory”, Deutsch Theater, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Art against Poverty” Directorship for Fine Arts Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan
International Festival of Arts “Tengri-Umai”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Two in One”, Media-art Exhibition, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Souvenir from Kazakhstan”, “Tribuna” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan



2002 Third Prize of International Jury of the SCCA’s “Inventory”Videoart Festival, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Third Prize (together with R. Arefiev) on exhibition “Art Against Poverty”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
First Prize of International Jury (as a member of a group) and the Second Prize of International Jury on exhibition “Souvenir from Kazakhstan”, Almaty, Kazakhstan