Ibragimov Kanat

Painter, author of artistic texts, objects and perfomances.

Born in Almaty in 1964. Currently lives in Almaty.

1981-1985 Gogol Almaty Art College

1987-1992 Zhurgenev Theater and Fine Arts Institute, Department of Metal Art


Major exhibitions:

1988 “Zhiger”, Republic Youth Exhibition, exhibition hall of the Artists’ Union, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1990 “Zhiger”, Republic Youth Exhibition, exhibition hall of the Artists’ Union, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1991 Exhibition of seven artists, “Cathedral” exhibition hall, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1993 “Ecological Exhibition”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Zhiger”, Republic Youth Exhibition, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1994 “A Parade of Galleries”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Kokserek is inviting guests”, “Kokserek” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1995 Exhibition by “Kokserek”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Kokserek Transit… Asia Art”, Central Exhibition Hall, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Exhibition by “Kokserek” group, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Kazakh Art – Old and New”, Karenina Gallery, Vienna, Austria
“Kazakhstan Days in France”, Paris, France
“A Parade of Galleries”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Exhibition in the Abai House”, London, Great Britain
“The “Flyuksus” Project”, “A Parade of Galleries”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1996 “Season of the Orient” International Festival, Republic’s Palace, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The first International festival of experimental art and performances, “Manezh” Exhibition Hall, Saint Petersburg, Russia

1997 “Art Moscow”, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
“Parade of Galleries”. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Art Street”, “Youth Exhibition, Central State Museum of History, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Koraz Bird”, Gelman’s Gallery, Moscow, Russia
“Art-Disckurs-97”, Observatory in the foothills of Zailiiski Alatau Mountains, Kazakhstan
“Asia Art”, Central Exhibition Hall”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

1998 “Patriotic project “Kazakhstan-2030”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Asia yesterday-today-tomorrow”, Benteng Vredeburg museum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
“The Future appears from the past”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“IV International”, Central State Museum of History, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Art Forum”, Berlin, Germany
First Annual exhibition of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art “Self-Identification: Futurological Prognosis”, “Moscow” shopping center, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Presentation of the “Millennium Zone”, “Televisor” club, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999 “Exhibition about Lenin”, “Kokserek” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Beer putsch”, “Morgushka” beer bar, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Political sparring”, “A Parade of Galleries”, Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Che Guevara Party”, “Kokserek” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 “Asiatopia”, Bangkok, Thailand
“AIM”, Singapore, Republic of Singapore

2001 NIPAF International Performance Art Festival, Tokyo, Japan
“Hand craft”, Museum of non-conformist Art, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2002 First Personal Painting Exhibition, “Umai” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan



1997 “Stance Artists Warrior”, Hudozhestvenyi Zhurnal, Moscow

1998 text in catalogue “Art-Discourse’97”, Almaty
“The Future will come anyway – with us or without us”, interview for Novoe Pokolenie, August, Almaty

1999 “Kanat Ibragimov – a seller of an idea, contraband smuggler”, interview for Karavan, September, Almaty
“Lets go back to our sheep”, interview for Vremya, October, Almaty

2000 “Three Arrows”, http://www.arba.ru
“Another’s Blood”,http://www. arba. ru

2001 “Moscow-Tokyo. Go to East. ”, http://www.arba.ru
NIPAF 001, http://www.arba.ru
“I took down my pants to show my ass to Moscow, and now I will show it to our Parliament”, interview for Vremya, Almaty
“To Kazakhstani jerks – contemporary artists I dedicate. Dambal show or Go to East, or contemporary art as a national masturbation”, http://arba.ru/art/articles/2001357-2.html