Vorobyev Victor and Vorobyeva Elena

Artists of video-art, photo-art, objects and installations

Elena was born in 1959 in Nebit-Dag, Turkmenistan. Currently lives in Almaty.

Victor was born in 1959 in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan. Currently lives in Almaty.

Elena Vorobyeva:

1975-1979 Gogol Almaty Art College

1985-1990 Almaty State Institute of Theater and Art, Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting

Victor Vorobyev:

1975-1979 Gogol Almaty Art College

1986-1991 Almaty State Institute of Theater and Art, Department of Architectural and Decorative Plastics.


Major Exhibitions

1988 “Zhiger”, The XV Republican Exhibition of Works of Young Artists of Kazakhstan. Exhibition Hall of the Artists’ Union, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1990 Republic Exhibition of Young Artists, Exhibition Hall of the Artists’ Union, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1991 Exhibition of Young Artists of Kazakhstan, Exhibition Hall of the Artists’ Union, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1992 “Autumn Symphony”, “Tengri-Umai” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Artists Block. Directorship of Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1994 “Kokserek” is inviting friends. “Kokserek” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1995 “A Parade of Galleries”, Presentation of the “Voyager” Gallery. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1996 “38 Snipers”, “A Parade of Galleries”. Presentation of the “Voyager” Gallery. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Exhibition-Presentation of 10 Catalogs of Kazakhstan Artists, “Tengri-Umai” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Postman’s Song”, KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1997 Criminal Report. “Parade of Galleries”, Presentation of the “Voyager” Gallery. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Exhibition by Elena and Victor Vorobyevs. Painting, Drawing, Sculpture. “Asia-Art” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Art-Disckurs-97”, Observatory in the foothills of Zailiiski Alatau Mountains, Kazakhstan
Human Rights: Terra Incognita. KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Human Rights: A Second Breath”, KazakhBusiness Club, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1998 “Landscape-Still Life”, Directorship of Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Labyrinth. State Museum of Arts, Bishkek, Kyrgystan.
“Frontier Hero”, “Parade of Galleries”. Kasteev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“At the Door to the Third Millennium”, Kasteev State Museum of Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan
First Annual Exhibition of SCCA “Self-Identification: Futurological prognosis” “Moscow” Shopping Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1999 Exhibition of the Works of Graduate Students from the Department of Monumental Painting of Almaty Institute of Theater and Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Plus-Minus”, State Museum of Arts, Bishkek, Kyrgystan
“Wave and Passion”, IV International Biennale. Istanbul, Turkey
Exhibition of Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture. “LOOK” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000 Personal Exhibition of Paintings by Elena Vorobyeva. Munich, Germany
Second Annual Exhibition of SCCA “Communications – Experience of Interaction. “Atakent” Exhibition Complex , Almaty, Kazakhstan
“The Past is Somewhere Nearby”, The “Voyager” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2000-2001 “Women of the World”, Mobile Exhibition. The USA, Finland and others

2001 “Province: Between Europe and Asia”, Shyryaevo Village, Samara Oblast, Russia
Festival of Contemporary Art “Groundrush”, Tartu, Estonia
Chamber Exhibition. “Umai” Museum, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Action “Strawberry Dessert or Secret Desires of the Street”, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 “On the Spot”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Odessa, Ukraine
“No mad’s land”, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany
“Re-orientation”, ACC Gallery, Veimar, Germany
“Trans Forma”, Center of Contemporary Art, Geneva, Switzerland


Publications by Elena Vorobyeva:

1996 “About Maslov”, in “Maslov” Digest, Almaty
 “About Maslov”, Prostor, vol. 8, Almaty

1997 “Kazakstan babushkas from Stockholm”, Prostor, vol. 3, Almaty

1998 Texts in the “Art-Diskurs-97” Catalog, Almaty

2001 “A Real Story of One Installation”, In “Urbi et Orbi” Almanac, Bishkek



2002 Third Prize of International Jury of the First Annual Exhibition of SCCA “Self-identification: Futurological prognosis” Almaty, Kazakhstan