Arefiev Roman

Media and video-artist, curator

Born in Almaty in 1973. Currently lives in Almaty.

1990-1995 Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, Department of Mathematics


Major Exhibitions:

2000 Second Annual Exhibition of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art “Communications:Experience of Interaction”, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2001 Chamber Exhibition. “Umai” Museum, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 “Art Against Poverty”, Directorship of Art Exhibitions, Almaty, Kazakhstan
 “Trans Forma”. Center for Contemporary Art, Geneve, Switzerland
“Souvenir of Kazakhstan”, “Tribuna” Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Curatorial Projects:

2000 WEB-master of
CD Catalog Software "Communications: - Experience of Interaction

2001 Exhibition “Lenin’s Soviet Internet ”, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2003 “D-Generation” — exhibition of young contemporary kazakhstan artists , Soros Center for Contemporary Art and “Ular” Gallery , Almaty, Kazakhstan



1998 “On Monotony for Weakly o-Minimal Structures”, Proceedings of the second Erlagol Conference on Border Issues of Model Theory and Universal Algebra.

1999 “Asia Art and Others” in Internet Magazine “Arba”
"Classification of delta-invariant amalgamation classes" (with J. Baldwin, M. Mazucco), The Journal of Symbolic Logic, #64



1998 First Prize in Fairy-tale Contest of Internet Magazine “Lame Angel”, Russia-USA

2000 Second Prize (as a member of a group) of International Jury on the Second Annual Exhibition SCCA “Communications: Experience of Interaction” , Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 Third Prize (together with Yu. Levitskaya) at the Exhibition “Art against Poverty”, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2002 First Prize (together with Yu. Levitskaya) at the Exhibition “Souvenir of Kazakhstan”, Almaty, Kazakhstan