Summer Seminars for Art Curators
Between Exposition and mediation
July 23-August 7, 2007,
Yerevan , Armenia

Application Guidelines

  After successfully completing and summarizing the results of the first international summer school for art curators organized in July 4-17, 2006 in Yerevan , Armenia , the National Association of Art Critics now intends to further develop the program focusing on partnership and networking with regional actors in the field of art criticism and curating.

  The first year's summer school brought together prospective and already practicing young curators from former socialist countries and Turkey into a lively and productive environment of workshops and seminars. The 2007 summer seminars and the workshop for art curators will center on the relation of the art critic and curator on the one hand and curator-artist on the other, in the face of globalization/westernization of the art market and big exhibitions; i. e. biennales, art fairs and festivals as one of the outcomes of these processes that have penetrated into former socialist countries since the mid-1990's. The program will focus on curating as a critical practice, and particularly, the curator as someone who combines the management of relations (artist-curator, artist-critics and artist-society) with the function of evaluation. We will discuss historically and culturally unique art events and practices where the curator combining the roles of a presenter and a critic has chosen different strategies of display and mediation.

  The mission of the program is to overcome the lack of cultural workers with relevant expertise and knowledge in the field of art curating in former socialist countries as well as regional neighbors of Armenia by enhancing the local contexts of art production and reception. This lack has so far resulted in the development of West-East vertical and hierarchical relations on a macro level and Western curators representing artists from the East on a micro level.

  The two-week program to be held from July 23-August 7 in Yerevan, Armenia will not only be a place for open communication, exchange and knowledge production but also a critical space where the very practice of a curator in the contemporary globalized world and its relevance for non-Western art contexts will be questioned, and alternative models of relations between artists and curators and artists and art critics will be articulated.

  The intensive two-week program will comprise of a theory and method courses, as well as a curatorial workshop. The courses will be combined with presentations by local and international artists, curators, art historians and cultural workers as well as with visits to artists' studios, galleries and museum in Yerevan .

  The summer seminars' program is organized in collaboration with SCCA-Ljubljana, Soros Center for Contemporary Art – Almaty and BM Center for Contemporary Art, Istanbul.


  •  In order to apply to the summer school, you are required to hold residency in one of the former Soviet republics or in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, former Yugoslav countries, Turkey and Iran .

  •  Holding a degree in art history, museum studies or/and other related areas, is not a requirement. However, the preference will be given to those applicants who have some academic or professional experience in the field and/or show strong motivation to become actively involved in contemporary art.

  •  The minimum education requirement is that the applicant has to have completed the third year of his/her university studies and continue to be enrolled in a higher educational institution .

  •  There is no age limit for applying to the summer seminars. Below, see the addresses to send the completed application together with supporting materials according to your country of residency.


  The program has limited number of grants that will be awarded solely on the basis of the merit of the application.

  •  The first type that has a value of 800 USD, covers transportation as well as accommodation expenses throughout the period of the program.

  •  The second type with the value of 400 USD, covers accommodation costs, and the applicant is required to pay for his/her own transportation costs.

  •  The NAAC will provide free breakfast and lunch during the seminars.

  To apply to these grants, simply tick the appropriate box on the application form. If you are not an award holder, you will be required to take care of all your expenses. The summer seminars' program has no tuition fee or any other financial requirements.

The Application Procedure and Deadline

   The deadline for submitting applications is April 15, 2007 . All the applications should arrive before the closing date. The applications and related materials should be submitted to the relevant partner-organization in your region by e-mail . Please, see the information below for submission information according to your country of residence. NAAC's partner institutions will choose several applications for the first round of the competition and forward it to NAAC in early April. The second and final round will be carried out and the funding decisions will be made by NAAC. The final results will be announced by May 15, 2007 .

Application Requirements

  •  Please, ensure to complete all the sections of the application and date it before sending it out. Undated applications will not be considered. Given the requirement to submit the applications by e-mail, it is not necessary to sign the document. Nevertheless, make sure that the application goes out from your personal e-mail address.

  •  Make sure to include a statement of propose which tells us about your academic and professional interests, your past achievements and contributions, your reasons for applying to the summer school program and how it can contribute to your development.

  •  Since the language of instruction is English, good knowledge of English is a requirement for all applicants. Please, enclose any document or certificate that will serve as a proof for your linguistic abilities. You may also enclose your curriculum vitae if it benefits your application.

  •  Include an academic writing sample or/and an exhibition review, minimum 600 words.

  •  Please, ask two referees who have close knowledge of your academic or professional abilities to comment upon your suitability to the summer seminars' program. The letters of reference should be confidential and may be obtained from your academic instructor and/or job supervisor. Ask your referees to e-mail their submissions directly from their e-mail addresses and include information on other means of contacting them (telephone number and mailing address).

>>> Download application form  

Where to Send:

  Residents of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, should send the applications and supporting materials by e-mail to

E-mail: [email protected]
Soros Centre of Contemporary Art – Almaty
171 Tulebayev str., 050010, Almaty , Kazakhstan
Tel. 7 (3272) 67-07-64, 58-13-67,
Fax: 7 (3272) 67-07-65,

  Residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Poland, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia and Slovakia should send the applications and supporting materials by post or e-mail to Sasa Nabergoj or Tevz Logar,

E-Mail: [email protected]
URL: ;
Address: SCCA-Ljubljana,
Metelkova 6, SI - 1000 Ljubljana
Tel.:+386 (0)1 431 83 85,
Fax: +386 (0)1 430 06 29

  Residents of Albania , Azerbaijan , Bulgaria , Iran , Romania and Turkey should send the applications and supporting materials by e-mail to Beral Madra

E-Mail: [email protected]
BM Contemporary Art Center
Akkavak Sok: 1/1 34365
Tel: 0090 2122310 1023
Fax. 0090 2126865

  Residents of Belarus , Georgia , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania , Moldova , Russia and Ukraine should send the applications and supporting materials by e-mail to Nazareth Karoyan and Angela Harutyunyan
E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]
National Association of Art Critics (NAAC)
Hrachya Kotchar 13/99, Yerevan , Armenia
Tel.: +37410264619

If you have any further questions concerning the summer school program, please, do not hesitate to consult our web site  or contact us at:

[email protected]   and [email protected]


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