The first international festival of experimental media art in Central Asia

  The first international festival of experimental media art “REPLICA” will take place on the 7 th of October 2006 in Almaty , Kazakhstan and will last twelve hours non-stop. It will show the participants wide spectrum of actual trends of modern culture.

  “Replica” is in the same time a comment to an event and also a form of this comment. When an actor hears a cue in a performance he must respond to it giving his own cue. “REPLICA” festival is our reaction to the events, which take place in the world of modern experimental media art in the last few tenth anniversaries. New forms and genres of art, which develop in the whole world, are represented in Kazakhstan very limited now. However an interest in contemporary musical and visual art exists and this interest is not so little; that can be testified by the high public attention to such kind of some cultural events. Modern audio-visual experiment is unique because of its unlimited possibilities for personal creativity. The main objective of “REPLICA” festival is showing these possibilities, increase the number of contacts between musicians, artists, designers from Central Asia and other countries of the world, and also making audience acquainted with the most interesting world trends in contemporary audio-visual art.

  One of the most actual tendencies now is breaking of the borders between different genres, trends and art disciplines. In contemporary culture academic composition meets minimal-techno, ambient and microsound- post-rock, digital noise gets mixed up acoustic ethnic avan-garde, electro-acoustic improvisation transforms into sound- and video installations. And so one of the most important principles of the festival must be eclecticism, demonstration of different trends, all imaginable diversity of approaches to sound and visuals and also methods of work with material. Festival will give the demonstration of some subjective creative opinions revealing objective sides of the present moment of experimental art.

  The festival's organizers creative group [antiparty gang] and Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty have held in last four years some cultural events for growing an interest in contemporary culture. Among them not only little experimental actions but also large-scale festival of alternative club culture of Great Britain SOUNDVISION 2005 (together with British Council ). Now it's the moment to enlarge the circle of acquaintances and to integrate independent culture of Kazakhstan in global cultural community. Projects from Poland , Ukraine , Austria , Germany , the USA , Georgia , Turkey , and Kazakhstan will be represented during “ REPLICA ” festival.

“REPLICA” festival takes place on the 7 th of October 2006
Beginning at 20:00


Phone: 7 (3272) 67-07-64 (Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty)
E-mail: replicafest{at} or aliya{at}
Festival's site: (coming soon...)


©SCCA 2001-2002