«Intim - In Time»
Personal exhibition of Rustam Khalfin

  On March 15 at 18:30 pm, the Soros Center for Contemporary Art will host the opening of “Intim – In Time”, the personal exhibition of Rustam Khalfin. The exhibition will work until April 12.

  Rustam Khalfin is one of the most prominent artists of the national art-scene. He was born in 1949. He has been the student of Vladimir Sterligov, the collaborator of Kazemir Malevich. In 1972, he graduated from the Moscow Architecture Institute. His works are part of collections of the Tretyakov State Gallery ( Moscow ), the State Museum of the Peoples of East ( Moscow ), the Zimmerly Museum of Non-conformist art ( New Jersey , USA ), the Moscow House of Photography, and A. Kasteev State Museum of Art of Kazakhstan (Almaty). “The World Art Dictionary” published in Germany in 1998 dedicated him an entire article. Khalfin is the artist who first started engaging in the art of performances, videos and installations. He is the author of many curatorial projects, personal and group exhibitions such as “In the honor of L.B.” (1999), “Autumn signs of wrath” (1996), “In the honor of horse-rider” (1997), “Big glass” (1998), the First Biennale in Valencia (2001), “No mad's land” ( Berlin , 2001), the International art festival “Tengri-Umai” (2002), “People and shadows” ( Mexico , 2003), the 51 st Venice Biennale (2005) and others. He is also the author of the famous “Northern Barbarians” video. Rustam Khalfin lives in Almaty.

Khalf In Time

  This exhibit will feature altogether new works of Rustam Khalfin that present the confession of the artist. This is the flung-open internal space of calm, the blessed kingdom of quiet intimate life of a creative person.

  “Auto-portraits without mirror” create a certain mood. The painting technique holds a certain melody that reproduces the deep experiences of the artist who moves along the nomadic tactile Universe between the Scylla of the libido and the Charibdis of the creative power of imagination.

  Khalfin's semi-spherical motley work “Dedicated to Lida” is a magnified citation of a mini-sculpture done by Lidiya Blinova in 1989. In this painting, this memento object is reproduced in larger format.

  A whole series of bricks that have an imprint of the artist's palm with so called “ pulota ” -- a plastic object created by the cavity inside a palm folded into a fist – is presented as an original creative artifact. “ Pulota ” is a certain sign that serves to designate the tactile space closest to human, from which the aesthetic mastering of the surrounding world itself begins.

  “The Golden Goddess” is a certain metaphor that points to the female beginnings as the source of artistic creation where the dramatic connection of the bodily world and the world created by the imagination of artist takes place. This painting is also the sign of openness to new colorist variations because before she becomes “golden”, the goddess, under the will of the author, puts on herself black, white, blue clothing, one after another, according to some alchemist plot.

  The works of Rustam Khalfin is yet another unique attempt to draw near to the sources of our cultural identity.

Zhanat Baimukhametov, philosopher, art critic
The curator of the exhibit is Dastan Kozhakhmetov
Email: [email protected]

  Address: Republic of Kazakhstan , Almaty, 050021, Tulebaev street , 171
   Tel. (327) 267-0764 , fax (327) 267-0765 ,



©SCCA 2001-2002