Second International Biennial of
Posters in the Islamic World

  The Second International Biennial of Posters in the Islamic World will be held with the aim of bringing together and examining posters designed across the Islamic world (in Islamic countries and among Muslim communities in non Islamic countries).

  Sponsor: The Islamic Republic of Iran's Academy of Art
  Organizer: Saba International Cultural and Artistic Center

1. The Great prophet (Praise & greetings of God to Mohammad & his descendants).
2. Social and cultural posters;
3. Posters on the theme of Palestine;
4. Posters on the theme of illustrious figures of the Islamic World (1. Avicenna; 2. Mowlavi; 3. Ebn-e Arabi; 4. Averro; 5. Farabi; 6.Allameh Eqbal-e Lahoori; 7. Allameh Tabataba'i).

- Social and cultural posters should be dated either 2005 or 2006. Note: This date limitation does not apply to sections 1, 3 and 4;
- Works may be submitted in printed form (silk-screen, offset, digital printout, etc.);
- Posters submitted should be accompanied by A4-size digitized files (TIF or JPEG format; 300 DPI resolution);
- Each submitted work should bear, on its lower right corner, a label reflecting its full characteristics and the personal specifications of its artist;
- Any artist will be allowed to enter a maximum of five works in each section;
- The secretariat of the Biennial will be unable to register works lacking an identification label;
- Works reaching the secretariat beyond the deadline will not be entered in the exhibition;
- The works submitted to the secretariat will not be returned;
- The works accepted in view of the exhibition will be published in the book of the Biennial;
- Each participant will receive a participation certificate and a CD containing the entire works presented in the exhibition;
- The secretariat will be entitled to publish the participants' posters, on the Internet, in books, etc., for publicity purposes.

  Secretary of the exhibition: Habibollah Sadeqi

  Scientific council and selection group: Mostafa Asadollahi, Sedaqat Jabbari, Mehdi Hosseini, Habibollah Sadeqi, Mostafa Goodarzi.

  Four Iranian and three non Iranian judges.

  Calendar of the Biennial
- Posters submission deadline: 22 December 2006;
- Selection of works: Third decade of January 2007;
- Exhibition opening: 21Februrary 2007;
- Exhibition closure: 20April 2007.

  Address of the secretariat of the biennial:
Saba Cultural and Artistic Center
No 53, Mozafar St, Taleqani Ave, Felestin Square, Tehran, Iran

  International affairs secretariat:
E-mail: [email protected]  or [email protected]
Tel.: 66494508-11;
Fax: 66487534, 66494512

Entry Form

First  name:
Sur  name:
Date  of  Birth :
Education :
Occupation :

Date of making


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