“Flying Over Stereotypes” exhibition,
21.12.2007-05.01.2008, Mumbai, India

   Gulandom Moukhabbatova and Daler Rakhmatov (Tajikistan)
  Gulandom Moukhabbatova graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Culture in 1972. She lives in Dushanbe. Producer of a series of documentary movies: “Gozi Niaz” (1992), “Pain of the Soul” (1994), “Peace Ambassador” (1996), “Time cup” (2000), “My Homeland” (2002), “Child’s dreams” (2005). The winner of movie awards: Saint Anna (Moscow, 2005), Muslim Movie Festival (Kazan, 2005), New Movie of 21st Century (Smolensk, 2005), For Humaneness (Baku, 2005), 2nd Central Asian Movie Festival (Tashkent), 2006), Eurasia (Almaty, 2006).
  Daler Rakhmatov was born in 1977. He graduated from the Tajik State University and from the Tajik Institute of World Economy. He lives in Dushanbe. Producer of documentary movies: “Step by Step to Tajikistan” (2006), “The Other Childhood” (2006), “We Will Make the World Better” (2006), Participant of movie festivals Berlin – Pacific Asia (2005), and the 28th Moscow Movie Festival

  Ulan Dzhaparov (Kyrgyzstan)
  Was born in 1960, he is graduated from Kyrgyz Polytechnic Institute. He lives in Bishkek. Major exhibitions: “Plus – Minus” (Museum of Art, Bishkek, 1999), “Communications” (SCCA, Almaty, 2000), “No Mad’s Land” (House of World Culture, Berlin, 2002), “Transforma” (Center for Contemporary Art – Geneva, 2002), “VideoIdentity” (SCCA, Almaty, 2004), The 2nd Biennial in Tashkent (2003), “In the Shade of Heroes” (Bishkek, Alatoo Square, 2005), “Film Focus” (Z33, Hasselt, Belgium, 2006), “Paradoxes of Polarity” (Bose Pacia Gallery, New York, 2007).

  Oksana Shatalova (Kazakhstan)
  Was born in 1972 and graduated from Rudny Industrial College. She lives in Rudny City. Major exhibitions: ”VideoIdentity” (SCCA, Almaty, 2004), Photo Biennial in Brescia (2006), 15th Movie and Video Festival Cabbagetown (Toronto, Canada, 2006), 10th Media Art Biennial “Freewaves” (Los Angeles, 2006), “Portrait – Show for Wifleem – Show for the world” (Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Napoli, 2006), 2nd Moscow Biennial (Wine Factory, Moscow, 2007), 1st Contemporary Art Biennial (Thessaloniki, 2007).

  Еrbossyn Meldibekov (Kazakhstan)
  Was born in 1964. He graduated from the Almaty Theater and Art Institute and lives in Almaty. Personal exhibitions: “Kazakh Style Kitch” (Kokserek Gallery, Almaty, 1997), “Erbossyn Meldibekov” (VN Gallery, Zagreb , 2000), “Hyper Muslim” (Guelman Gallery, Moscow , 2006), “Pastan” (Nina Lumer Gallery, Milano, 2006), “Pastan” ( Folker Dill , Berlin , 2006), “Centauromachy” (SCCA, Almaty, 2007). Major group exhibitions: “Le tribu dell’ Arte” (City Exhibition Hall, Rome, 2001), “No Mad’s Land” (World Culture House, Berlin, 2002), “Transforma” (Center for Contemporary Art – Geneva, 2002), “Politic/Um” (Prague Grad, Prague, 2004), “People and Shadows” (CANAIA Gallery, Mexico City, 2003), “Privatization” (KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Berlin, 2004), 51st Venice Biennial (Central Asia Pavilion, 2005), “Tamerlan’s Syndrome” (Palazzo dei Sette, Orvieto, 2005; Haggerty Museum, Milwaukee, 2006), “Contemporary Art from Central Asia” (Uazdovski Palace, Warsaw, 2006), 10th Media Art Biennial “Freewaves” (Los Angeles, 2006), 2nd Moscow Biennial (Central Exhibition Center, Moscow, 2007), “Time of Storytellers” (Kiasma, Helsinki, 2007), “Thaw, or In the middle of the road” (Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, 2007).

  Said Atabekov (Kazakhstan)
  Was born in 1965 in the village of Bes Terek in Uzbekistan. He graduated from the Chimkent Art College and lives in Chimkent (Kazakhstan). Personal exhibitions: “I am Not We” (Fonkor Gallery, Chimkent, 1993), “Way to Rome ” (SCCA, Almaty, 2007). Major group exhibitions “No Mad’s Land” (World Culture House, Berlin, 2002), “Transforma” (Center for Contemporary Art–Geneva, 2002), “People and Shadows” (CANAIA Gallery, Mexico City, 2003), “VideoIdentity” (SCCA-Almaty, 2004), 4th Performance Quadrenniale (Prague, 2004), 51st and 52nd Venice Biennial (Central Asia Pavilion, 2005-2007), 9th Biennial in Istanbul (2005), Tamerlan’s Syndrome (Palazzo dei Sette, Orvieto, 2005; Haggerty Muzeum, Milwaukee, 2006), “From Red Star to The Blue Cupola” (IFA Gallery, Berlin-Schtuttgart, 2005-2006), “Rose of Peace” (Spiridonov House, Moscow, 2006), “Contemporary Art from Central Asia” (Uazdovski Palace, Warsaw, 2006), 10th Media Art Biennial “Freewaves” (Los Angeles, 2006), “The Time of Storytellers” (Kiasma, Helsinki, 2007).

  Dastan Kozhakhmetov (Kazakhstan)
  Was born in 1978 and graduated from the State Art Academy . He lives in Almaty. Major exhibitions: “Asia Art” (Central Exhibition Hall, Tashkent, 1997), “Almaty Stupid Art” (Voyager Gallery, Almaty, 1997), “Human Rights: Terra Incognita” (Kazakh Business Center, Almaty, 1997), “Patriotic Project” (Kazakh Art Museum, Almaty, 1998), “4th International” (State History Museum, Almaty, 1998), “Political Sparring” (Kazakh Art Museum, Almaty, 1999), “Master Class Festival” (Gallery Tengi Umai, Almaty, 2002), “Barrel.kz” (SCCA, Almaty, 2006). Curated the series of Kazakhstan artist’s personal and group exhibitions in Soros Center for Contemporary Art - Almaty: “Femikhat”, “Centauromachy”, “Intim-In Time”, “The Way to Rome ”, “Nif-Nif&Nuf-Nuf”, “Non Eroticism” (all - in 2007).

  Almagul Menlibayeva (Kazakhstan)
  Was born in 1969, she graduated from the Almaty Theater and Art Institute. She lives in Berlin . Personal exhibitions: “Magic portraits of women” (Artra Gallery, Amsterdam , 2002), “On the Road” (Davide Gallo Gallery, Berlin, 2007). Major group exhibitions: “No Mad’s Land” (World Culture House, Berlin, 2002), “VideoIdentity” (SCCA-Almaty, 2004), “People and Shadows” (CANAIA Gallery, Mexico City, 2003), 51st and 52nd Venice Biennial (Central Asia Pavilion, 2005-2007), “Tamerlan’s Syndrome” (Palazzo dei Sette, Orvieto, 2005; Haggerty Museum, Milwaukee, 2006), “La mocca della idée” (Sala Santa Rita, Rome, 2005), “From the Red Star to The Blue Cupola” (IFA Gallery, Berlin-Schtuttgart, 2005-2006), 15th Biennial in Sidney (2006), “Contemporary Art from Central Asia” (Uazdovski Palace, Warsaw, 2006), “Peace Rose” (Spiridonov House, Moscow, 2006), Photo Biennial in Brescia (2006), “The Paradoxes of Polarity” (Bose Pacia Gallery, New York, 2007), “Thermocline” (ZKM, Karlshrue, 2007), “Time of Storytellers” (Kiasma, Helsinki, 2007).

  Natalya Dyu (Kazakhstan)
  Was born in 1976, she graduated from the Karaganda State University. She lives in Karaganda . Major exhibitions: “Just Ku” (Desht-and Art Center, Karaganda, 2001), “Inventory” (SCCA, Almaty, 2002), “Re-Orientation” (ACC Gallery, Weimar, 2002), “People and Shadows” (CANAIA Gallery, Mexico City, 2003), “Untitled” (Red Mill Gallery, Vermont, USA, 2005), “Femikhat” (SCCA, Almaty, 2006), “Blossom of Peach, Blossom of Apricot” (Sungsan Art Hall, Changwon, Korea, 2007), 52nd Venice Biennial (Central Asia Pavilion, 2007), “On Geekdom” (Benaki Museum, Athens, 2007), Central Asian Project (Space Gallery, London, Cornerhouse, Manchester and Gallery Tengri Umai, Almaty, 2007).

  Sergey Tychina and Vyacheslav Akhunov (Uzbekistan)
  Sergei Tychina was born in 1960 and lives in Tashkent. He graduated from the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute. Major exhibitions: “… and others” (Art Muzeum, Bishkek, 2004), “VideoIdentity” (SCCA, Almaty, 2004), 51st Venice Biennial (Central Asian Pavilion, 2005) “In the Shade of Heroes” (Bishkek, Alatoo Square, 2005), Film Focus (Z33, Hasselt, Belgium, 2006), “Contemporary Art from Central Asia” (Uazdovski Palace, Warsaw, 2006), “Peace Rose” (Spiridonov House, Moscow, 2006), “Turbulence” (3rd Oakland Triennial, New Zealand, 2007), “Constellation-2” (Tashkent, 2007)
  Vyacheslav Akhunov was born in 1948 and lives in Tashkent . He graduated from the Moscow Art Institute. Major exhibitions: “No Mad’s Land” (House of World Culture, Berlin, 2002), “Transforma” (Center for Contemporary Art–Geneva, 2002), “VideoIdentity” (SCCA-Almaty, 2004), 51st Venice Biennial (Central Asian Pavilion, 2005), “In the Shadow of Heroes” (Bishkek, Alatoo Square, 2005), “Film Focus” (Z33, Hasselt, Belgium, 2006), “Contemporary Art from Central Asia” (Uazdovski Palace, Warsaw, 2006), “Peace Rose” (Spiridonov House, Moscow, 2006), 2nd Singapore Biennial (2006), “Turbulence” (3rd Oakland Triennial, New Zealand, 2007), “Constellation-2” (Tashkent, 2007), Thermocline (ZKM, Karlshrue, 2007).


©SCCA 2001-2002