“Eastern Orientalism” conference,
06.07.2008-07.06.2008, Almaty, Kazakhstan

  Jannat Baimukhametov (Kazakhstan)
  Scientist in culture, the philosopher, the poet-translator, the art critic. Graduated from the Al Farabi State University. Author of articles on problems of contemporary western and local philosophy, culture and art (“Intellectual nomadism in contemporary western philosophy”, “Nomad arabesque: new art in Kazakhstan”, “Province etocritics self-identification”, “Sex and civilization: project of gender ontology” etc. He is a translator of European poetry of P.Varlen, A.Rembo, R-M. Rilke, G.Trakl; and philosophy articles of P.Riker, S.Hantington, P.Kerni.

  Gamal Bokonbayev (Kyrgyzstan)
  Gamal Bokonbayev is the designer, the critic, the curator. He was born in 1958 in Frunze (now Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), he graduated from Architecture Institute. He is a member of the Artists Union of Kyrgyzstan since 1997.

  Aleksander Djumaev (Uzbekistan)
  Alexander Djumaev was born in 1953. He is a scientist in eastern music, the PhD in Art, a member of the Uzbekistan Composers Union, a member of the International Board of Traditional Music. He is a member of the editing board of the international annual “Cultural Values” (Saint-Petersburg), other periodicals. His science interests are history of music culture of the Central Asia; Islam and Culture; cultural policy in Central Asia. He published over 100 scientific articles in various issues in Europe, USA , Russia, Uzbekistan and other countries. He lives in Tashkent.

  Larissa Dodkhudoeva (Tajikistan)
  Ph.D (Arts), Ph.D (History), Distinguished Researcher of the Republic of Tajikistan. Secretary of Artists’s Union of the Republic of Tajikistan. She is an author of seven monographies, eight albums and many scientific publications on medieval Eastern culture and contemporary art of Tajikistan. Graduated from Ilya Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, has Award of Appreciation (for Scientific and Educational Research) Zoroastrian College, Bombay. Fellowships: London and Paris (UNESCO stipend), Germany (Academy of Fine arts in Dresden and DAAD), Central European University, Soros Foundation, Budapest, Hungary, USA (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and Fulbright fellowship, Rutgers University, New Brunswick). She was a lecturer at the High school of Social study in Paris.

   Keiko Sei (Japan-Germany-Thailand)
  A writer and a curator who has lived and worked in Japan, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. Her activities are research, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and writings on independent media and culture and that include: symposium and book on the role of television in the Romanian Revolution “Examination of Nikola Tesla”, international exhibition of political art in Prague, book of essays on society of transition Terminal Landscape, and most recently, she has organized a series of events entitled Asia Week for Documenta 12. The countries that she has given intensive seminar/workshop on independent video and media include Kazakhstan, Georgia and Burma, and she has written for publications worldwide.

  Enrico Mascelloni (Italy)
  Enrico Mascelloni born in 1954, lives and works in Rome. He published on both art and geopolitical themes. He has traveled extensively to Africa, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan; his most recent books resulting from these travels are “The Tamerlane Syndrome” (on Central Asian contemporary art), “Caravan Café”, “The Nightmare of Modernism” (on Afghan war carpets), and “A thousand and one day” (on Pakistan contemporary art).

  Quddus Mirza (Pakistan)
  Quddus Mirza is an artist, art teacher, independent curator and art critic. Graduated from the National College of Arts he later acquired MA in art from the Royal College of Art. He has shown extensively in numerous important group shows. In addition to these several of his personal exhibitions were held in different cities of Pakistan and in London. His work is part of major collections around the world, including the British Museum.
  Along with his own art work, he has emerged as one of the leading curator from Pakistan, with various shows held in the country and outside, such as ‘One to One’ at Alhamra Art Gallery, Lahore, ‘Beyond Borders’ at NGMA, Mumbai and ‘Exotic Bodies’ at Harris Museum, UK. Apart from these, he taught at art colleges, including Cleveland Institute of Art and Rhodes Island School of Design in USA, Delhi college of Art and Rajesthan School of Art in India , and at Bilkent University in Ankara . He also read papers on different aspects of art at conferences and seminars, both inside the country and abroad.
  Quddus Mirza has been contributing in the realm of art criticism through his writings. He is the co-author of ‘50 Years of Visual Arts in Pakistan‘. His articles appear in the national dailies such as The News and Dawn, as well as in various other international publications. Through these articles he has set a pattern to make a comment on art, which is objective, logic and unbiased. His writings reflect the analytical approach and an effort to link the art to the wholeness of society.

  Amrita Gupta-Singh (India)
  Amrita Gupta Singh is an art theorist and writer based in Mumbai, India. She has earned a postgraduate degree in Art History from Kalabhavana, Vishwabharati University, Santiniketan (2002) and undergraduate degrees in Applied Art (2000) from Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, and in Philosophy (1994) from the North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, respectively. She has taught art courses as a Visiting Lecturer at undergraduate and post graduate levels at the JJ School of Arts (2003), and currently, she is the Program Director at the Mohile Parikh Center for the Visual Arts, NCPA, which she joined in 2002. In this capacity, she has conceptualized, initiated and organized diverse programs including presentations, discussions, public art projects and international conferences.

  Valeria Ibraeva (Kazakhstan)
  Art theoretician, artcritic, curator, director of the Soros Center for Contemporary Art-Almaty. Her researches and articles dedicated to relationships between art and politics, changes in the Central Asian culture, connected with Central Asian region as new part of international processes. Major publications are: “Die Kunst Kasachstans als politisches Projekt” in the book: “Zuruck aus der Zukunft”, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2005; “Sto godina samoce”, “Radionica” magazine, № 2, Zagreb, 2002; “Vater und Sohne. Zwei generation neuer Kunstler in Kasachstan” in digest “Abseits der Seidenstrasse”, Berlin, 2002; “Waiting for Godoh”, in the catalogue “A Contemporary Archive: Central Asia on the 51th Venice Biennial”, Bishkek, 2005. Major exhibitions: “No Mad’s Land”, House of the World Cultures, Berlin, 2002; “TransForma”, Center for Contemporary Art - Geneva, 2002; “People and Shadows”, CANAIA Gallery, Mexico-city, Mexico, 2004; “Tamerlan Syndrom”, Palazzo dei Sette, Orvieto, Italy, 2005. Manager of the two-years international projects “VideoIdentity:The Sacred Places of Central Asia”, Almaty-Dushanbe, 2004-2005; “Destination Asia”, Almaty-Mumbai, 2007-2008.


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